Barr E S & Co Has Cut Its American Express Co (AXP) Position; Mainsource Financial Group (MSFG) Has 1.92 Sentiment

October 6, 2017 - By Louis Casey

Barr E S & Co decreased American Express Co (AXP) stake by 4.47% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Barr E S & Co sold 13,532 shares as American Express Co (AXP)’s stock declined 3.65%. The Barr E S & Co holds 289,396 shares with $24.38 million value, down from 302,928 last quarter. American Express Co now has $80.92B valuation. The stock rose 0.42% or $0.38 reaching $91.54. About 223,138 shares traded. American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) has risen 22.41% since October 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 5.71% the S&P500.

MainSource Financial Group, Inc. is a bank holding company. The company has market cap of $924.84 million. The Firm operates a banking subsidiary, MainSource Bank , an Indiana state-chartered bank. It has a 19.77 P/E ratio. Through the Bank, the Company offers a range of financial services, including accepting time and transaction deposits; making consumer, commercial, agribusiness and real estate mortgage loans; renting safe deposit facilities; providing personal and corporate trust services, and providing other corporate services, such as letters of credit and repurchase agreements.

About 12,031 shares traded. MainSource Financial Group Inc. (MSFG) has risen 51.30% since October 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 34.60% the S&P500.

Analysts await MainSource Financial Group Inc. (NASDAQ:MSFG) to report earnings on October, 25. They expect $0.53 earnings per share, up 6.00% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.5 per share. MSFG’s profit will be $13.56 million for 17.06 P/E if the $0.53 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.53 actual earnings per share reported by MainSource Financial Group Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 0.00% EPS growth.

Jacobs Asset Management Llc holds 3.18% of its portfolio in MainSource Financial Group Inc. for 469,078 shares. Hilton Capital Management Llc owns 445,993 shares or 2.78% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Pl Capital Advisors Llc has 2.04% invested in the company for 231,616 shares. The Texas-based Hillcrest Asset Management Llc has invested 1.35% in the stock. Heartland Advisors Inc, a Wisconsin-based fund reported 500,000 shares.

Among 33 analysts covering American Express Company (NYSE:AXP), 9 have Buy rating, 5 Sell and 19 Hold. Therefore 27% are positive. American Express Company had 74 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Thursday, September 17 the stock rating was maintained by Janney Capital with “Buy”. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, January 13 by DA Davidson. RBC Capital Markets maintained American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) on Friday, January 22 with “Underperform” rating. The rating was upgraded by Bank of America on Monday, January 9 to “Buy”. On Thursday, April 21 the stock rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs with “Neutral”. Morgan Stanley maintained the stock with “Equal-Weight” rating in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock of American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, September 24 by Jefferies. Credit Suisse maintained it with “Underperform” rating and $71 target in Thursday, October 22 report. The stock has “Buy” rating by Vetr on Monday, August 10. The stock of American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, August 20 by Evercore.

Analysts await American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) to report earnings on October, 18. They expect $1.47 EPS, up 18.55% or $0.23 from last year’s $1.24 per share. AXP’s profit will be $1.30B for 15.57 P/E if the $1.47 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.47 actual EPS reported by American Express Company for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 0.00% EPS growth.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.82 in Q2 2017. Its up 0.04, from 0.78 in 2017Q1. It is positive, as 55 investors sold AXP shares while 443 reduced holdings. 104 funds opened positions while 306 raised stakes. 715.61 million shares or 0.88% less from 722.00 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Central Bank Trust accumulated 3,474 shares or 0.08% of the stock. Kemper Corp Master Retirement reported 26,000 shares stake. Pathstone Family Office Limited Liability Co holds 0% or 5 shares in its portfolio. 2.06M are owned by Axa. Commonwealth Equity Serv, Massachusetts-based fund reported 142,359 shares. Delta Asset Mgmt Ltd Llc Tn accumulated 944 shares or 0.01% of the stock. Orrstown Financial holds 14,130 shares. Rk Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability Corporation owns 87,114 shares or 6.16% of their US portfolio. Joel Isaacson And Llc holds 0.11% of its portfolio in American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) for 6,798 shares. Roundview Lc holds 0.52% in American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) or 21,031 shares. Levin Strategies Limited Partnership reported 1.12% of its portfolio in American Express Company (NYSE:AXP). Gabelli & Co Advisers has invested 0.03% in American Express Company (NYSE:AXP). Glenmede Na owns 0.18% invested in American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) for 475,699 shares. 352,597 were accumulated by Tweedy Browne Ltd Com. Adirondack Tru accumulated 0.24% or 3,522 shares.

Since April 28, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 2 selling transactions for $614,932 activity. Buckminster Douglas E. had sold 3,000 shares worth $237,720 on Friday, April 28. GORDON MARC D sold $377,212 worth of stock.

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