Banco Santander-Chile (ADR) (BSAC) Analysts See $0.41 EPS; Glacier Bancorp (GBCI) Sentiment Is 1.25

July 7, 2017 - By Linda Rogers

Analysts expect Banco Santander-Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BSAC) to report $0.41 EPS on August, 4.They anticipate $0.04 EPS change or 10.81% from last quarter’s $0.37 EPS. BSAC’s profit would be $193.60M giving it 15.57 P/E if the $0.41 EPS is correct. After having $0.46 EPS previously, Banco Santander-Chile (ADR)’s analysts see -10.87% EPS growth. About 396,155 shares traded. Banco Santander-Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BSAC) has risen 30.67% since July 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 13.97% the S&P500.

Glacier Bancorp, Inc. is a bank holding company. The company has market cap of $2.78 billion. The Firm provides commercial banking services. It has a 22.83 P/E ratio. As of December 31, 2016, it provided banking services from approximately 140 locations in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Washington, through its bank subsidiary, Glacier Bank .

About 54,563 shares traded. Glacier Bancorp, Inc. (GBCI) has risen 28.74% since July 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 12.04% the S&P500.

Analysts await Glacier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:GBCI) to report earnings on July, 20. They expect $0.44 earnings per share, up 10.00% or $0.04 from last year’s $0.4 per share. GBCI’s profit will be $33.11M for 20.99 P/E if the $0.44 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.41 actual earnings per share reported by Glacier Bancorp, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 7.32% EPS growth.

American Research & Management Co. holds 2.65% of its portfolio in Glacier Bancorp, Inc. for 213,172 shares. Forest Hill Capital Llc owns 151,354 shares or 1.77% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Netols Asset Management Inc. has 1.7% invested in the company for 227,424 shares. The New Hampshire-based Loudon Investment Management Llc has invested 1.41% in the stock. Rice Hall James & Associates Llc, a California-based fund reported 565,403 shares.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 insider purchases, and 4 selling transactions for $4.00 million activity.

Banco Santander-Chile , formerly Banco Santander Chile, is a Chilean bank. The company has market cap of $12.06 billion. The Bank’s divisions include Retail banking, Middle-market, Global Corporate Banking and Corporate Activities (Other). It has a 16.36 P/E ratio. The Retail Banking segment consists of individuals and small to middle-sized entities (SMEs).

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