Banco Macro SA (ADR) (BMA) Analysts See $2.11 EPS; 4 Bullish Analysts Covering BIO-TECHNE (TECH)

July 18, 2017 - By Michael Collier

Analysts expect Banco Macro SA (ADR) (NYSE:BMA) to report $2.11 EPS on August, 8.They anticipate $0.06 EPS change or 2.76% from last quarter’s $2.17 EPS. BMA’s profit would be $141.84 million giving it 10.66 P/E if the $2.11 EPS is correct. After having $1.65 EPS previously, Banco Macro SA (ADR)’s analysts see 27.88% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.08% or $0.07 on July 17, reaching $90. About shares traded. Banco Macro SA (ADR) (NYSE:BMA) has risen 43.80% since July 18, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 27.10% the S&P500.

Among 8 analysts covering BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. BIO-TECHNE Corp had 12 analyst reports since August 18, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was upgraded by Janney Capital to “Buy” on Tuesday, May 3. The rating was initiated by Wells Fargo on Thursday, July 13 with “Hold”. Janney Capital downgraded the shares of TECH in report on Monday, March 27 to “Neutral” rating. The rating was initiated by Citigroup with “Buy” on Thursday, February 9. Zacks upgraded the shares of TECH in report on Tuesday, August 18 to “Sell” rating. As per Thursday, October 29, the company rating was downgraded by Stephens. The rating was upgraded by Zacks to “Hold” on Tuesday, September 22. The stock has “Sell” rating by Zacks on Tuesday, September 1. The rating was reinitiated by Leerink Swann on Thursday, November 10 with “Outperform”. See BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) latest ratings:

13/07/2017 Broker: Wells Fargo Rating: Hold New Target: $110.0000 Initiate
27/03/2017 Broker: Janney Capital Rating: Neutral Downgrade
09/02/2017 Broker: Citigroup Rating: Buy New Target: $115 Initiate

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.92 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.05, from 0.97 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 24 investors sold BIO-TECHNE Corp shares while 95 reduced holdings. 23 funds opened positions while 86 raised stakes. 35.11 million shares or 5.10% more from 33.41 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Ameritas Inv holds 0.06% or 11,355 shares in its portfolio. Fred Alger, New York-based fund reported 459,229 shares. Stephens Investment Mgmt Gp Ltd Llc has 98,343 shares. Segall Bryant & Hamill Ltd Liability holds 1.45% or 561,872 shares in its portfolio. Moreover, Highland Capital Mgmt Ltd Partnership has 0.11% invested in BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) for 22,000 shares. California Public Employees Retirement Systems holds 0.01% in BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) or 80,100 shares. Wells Fargo Mn stated it has 39,227 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Hillsdale Management owns 100 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Deprince Race Zollo invested in 3,839 shares. Fuller And Thaler Asset Mngmt Inc holds 300 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Us National Bank De reported 62,236 shares stake. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Mngmt reported 0% of its portfolio in BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH). Dorsey And Whitney Communication Limited Liability Company holds 1.13% of its portfolio in BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) for 48,496 shares. First Trust Limited Partnership has 295,430 shares for 0.09% of their portfolio. Kcg Hldg holds 3,499 shares.

Bio-Techne Corporation develops, manufactures and sells biotechnology reagents and instruments for the research and clinical diagnostic markets. The company has market cap of $4.32 billion. The Firm operates through three divisions: Biotechnology, Clinical Controls and Protein Platforms. It has a 62.45 P/E ratio. The Biotechnology segment develops, makes and sells biotechnology research and diagnostic products, such as cytokines, growth factors, immunoassays, antibodies and related reagents, across the world.

The stock increased 0.72% or $0.83 during the last trading session, reaching $116.08. About shares traded. BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) has risen 6.75% since July 18, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 9.95% the S&P500.

Since February 10, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 8 insider sales for $1.28 million activity. $10,115 worth of BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) was sold by LUCAS ROGER C. On Friday, May 26 Dinarello Charles A sold $556,862 worth of BIO-TECHNE Corp (NASDAQ:TECH) or 5,000 shares. Shares for $555,773 were sold by HOLBROOK KAREN A on Thursday, May 25.

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