February 22, 2018 - By Nellie Frank
Analysts expect B2Gold Corp. (NYSEAMERICAN:BTG) to report $0.02 EPS on March, 15 before the open.BTG’s profit would be $19.42 million giving it 36.25 P/E if the $0.02 EPS is correct. After having $0.01 EPS previously, B2Gold Corp.’s analysts see 100.00% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.35% or $0.01 during the last trading session, reaching $2.9. About 44,008 shares traded. B2Gold Corp. (NYSEAMERICAN:BTG) has risen 23.27% since February 22, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 6.57% the S&P500.
Among 11 analysts covering Aquarius Platinum Ltd (LON:AQP), 5 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 45% are positive. Aquarius Platinum Ltd had 37 analyst reports since July 29, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Tuesday, August 18 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Sector Perform”. Macquarie Research maintained AQUARIUS PLATINUM LD COM SHS US (LON:AQP) on Monday, November 30 with “Underperform” rating. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, October 28 by Deutsche Bank. The rating was maintained by Macquarie Research with “Underperform” on Monday, November 23. As per Thursday, January 28, the company rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, February 10 by UBS. JP Morgan maintained AQUARIUS PLATINUM LD COM SHS US (LON:AQP) on Thursday, August 13 with “Overweight” rating. The rating was maintained by Barclays Capital on Thursday, August 13 with “Overweight”. On Friday, January 29 the stock rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with “Buy”. On Wednesday, July 29 the stock rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with “Buy”. See AQUARIUS PLATINUM LD COM SHS US (LON:AQP) latest ratings:
It closed at GBX 13.5 lastly. It is up 0.00% since February 22, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
B2Gold Corp., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the exploration and development of mineral properties in Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Colombia, Burkina Faso, and Finland. The company has market cap of $2.82 billion. It primarily explores for gold, silver, and copper deposits. It has a 85.29 P/E ratio. The company's production properties include the La Libertad mine with an exploitation concession covering an area of 10,950 hectares and the El Limon mine covering an area of 12,000 hectares located in Nicaragua; the Masbate mine covering an area of approximately 15,209 hectares located in the Philippines; and the Otjikoto mine covering an area of 6,933.99 hectares located in Namibia.
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