Lindblad Expeditions Holdings IN (NASDAQ:LIND) had an increase of 9.56% in short interest. LIND’s SI was 643,100 shares in April as released by FINRA. Its up 9.56% from 587,000 shares previously. With 92,300 avg volume, 7 days are for Lindblad Expeditions Holdings IN (NASDAQ:LIND)’s short sellers to cover LIND’s short positions. The SI to Lindblad Expeditions Holdings IN’s float is 2.76%. About 4,947 shares traded. Lindblad Expeditions Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:LIND) has risen 3.76% since September 20, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 7.82% the S&P500.
The stock of AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI) is a huge mover today! About 725,341 shares traded. AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI) has risen 28.66% since September 20, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 17.09% the S&P500.The move comes after 9 months positive chart setup for the $252.10M company. It was reported on Apr, 27 by We have $7.07 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:AXTI worth $10.08 million more.
Among 5 analysts covering AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 80% are positive. AXT Inc had 7 analyst reports since December 9, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Craig Hallum upgraded the stock to “Buy” rating in Tuesday, May 3 report. The rating was upgraded by B. Riley & Co to “Buy” on Wednesday, December 9. The company was initiated on Monday, February 13 by Dougherty & Company. The stock of AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, October 27 by Needham. B. Riley & Co downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating in Friday, March 17 report. Needham maintained it with “Buy” rating and $8.50 target in Thursday, February 23 report.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.9 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.35, from 2.25 in 2016Q3. It fall, as 4 investors sold AXT Inc shares while 17 reduced holdings. 17 funds opened positions while 23 raised stakes. 15.02 million shares or 2.15% more from 14.71 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Gsa Cap Partners Llp holds 0.02% of its portfolio in AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI) for 58,500 shares. Renaissance Tech Llc holds 0.01% of its portfolio in AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI) for 918,834 shares. Federated Invsts Incorporated Pa reported 1,739 shares. Panagora Asset Mgmt, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 23,118 shares. Acadian Asset Llc holds 0% or 52,729 shares in its portfolio. Illinois-based Peak6 Invs Lp has invested 0% in AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI). Blackrock Invest Management Lc accumulated 0% or 5,179 shares. Tfs Capital holds 0.05% or 37,057 shares. Ardsley Advisory Partners has invested 0.02% in AXT Inc (NASDAQ:AXTI). Oxford Asset Mngmt invested in 154,961 shares or 0.04% of the stock. 200 are owned by Manufacturers Life Insurance The. Clarivest Asset Ltd Liability Co owns 312,537 shares for 0.04% of their portfolio. Goldman Sachs holds 49,261 shares. Ariel Investments Limited Liability Corp has 1.34 million shares. Qs Invsts Ltd accumulated 1,160 shares.
AXT, Inc. is a developer and producer of compound and single element semiconductor substrates, also known as wafers. The company has market cap of $252.10 million. The dominant substrates used in producing semiconductor chips and other electronic circuits are made from silicon. It has a 41.39 P/E ratio. The Firm is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and distribution of compound semiconductor substrates and sale of materials.