Allen Investment Management Llc decreased Alaska Air Group Inc (ALK) stake by 25.97% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Allen Investment Management Llc sold 14,614 shares as Alaska Air Group Inc (ALK)’s stock rose 12.12%. The Allen Investment Management Llc holds 41,669 shares with $3.70M value, down from 56,283 last quarter. Alaska Air Group Inc now has $10.13 billion valuation. The stock rose 0.17% or $0.14 reaching $85.07. About 620,748 shares traded. Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) has risen 27.33% since September 21, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 16.90% the S&P500.
The stock of Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) gapped down by $4.15 today and has $30.24 target or 4.00% below today’s $31.50 share price. The 6 months technical chart setup indicates high risk for the $1.14B company. The gap down was reported on Apr, 28 by If the $30.24 price target is reached, the company will be worth $45.60M less. About 4.16 million shares traded or 264.91% up from the average. Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) has declined 33.10% since September 21, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 43.53% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.76 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.27, from 1.03 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 55 investors sold ALK shares while 181 reduced holdings. 60 funds opened positions while 120 raised stakes. 110.18 million shares or 3.64% more from 106.31 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Aviva Public Llc reported 97,101 shares. Citigroup accumulated 4,687 shares or 0% of the stock. California Public Employees Retirement System reported 0.05% stake. Lazard Asset Limited Company owns 214,730 shares for 0.04% of their portfolio. Brandywine Global Investment Ltd Liability Corporation owns 43,859 shares or 0.02% of their US portfolio. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department accumulated 154,929 shares. Toronto Dominion Retail Bank accumulated 0.01% or 20,190 shares. Moreover, Leuthold Grp Limited Liability Com has 0.63% invested in Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) for 62,996 shares. Raymond James And Associate reported 149,229 shares. Lumina Fund Management Limited Liability Corp holds 0.06% or 6,000 shares in its portfolio. Hilltop Hldgs stated it has 0.08% in Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK). National Bank & Trust Of Nova Scotia reported 2,690 shares. Empirical Financial Svcs Limited Co stated it has 2,602 shares. Ny State Teachers Retirement Systems has 0.05% invested in Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) for 208,743 shares. Nomura accumulated 0% or 6,745 shares.
Among 12 analysts covering Alaska Air Group (NYSE:ALK), 8 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. Alaska Air Group had 39 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was upgraded by Bank of America on Tuesday, January 10 to “Buy”. The stock has “Buy” rating by Buckingham Research on Thursday, October 13. The rating was upgraded by Cowen & Co to “Outperform” on Monday, April 24. The company was maintained on Friday, October 21 by Imperial Capital. Imperial Capital maintained Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) on Friday, February 10 with “In-Line” rating. Evercore downgraded the stock to “Hold” rating in Tuesday, October 13 report. The stock has “Buy” rating by Raymond James on Tuesday, September 1. Deutsche Bank maintained the stock with “Hold” rating in Friday, October 23 report. The rating was maintained by Cowen & Co on Thursday, February 9 with “Market Perform”. The rating was upgraded by JP Morgan to “Overweight” on Wednesday, July 27.
Allen Investment Management Llc increased Comcast Corp New (NASDAQ:CMCSA) stake by 45,474 shares to 1.39M valued at $96.06 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Vanguard Tax Managed Intl Fd (VEA) stake by 35,424 shares and now owns 102,902 shares. Vanguard Index Fds (VTI) was raised too.
Since November 3, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 23 selling transactions for $13.11 million activity. KNIGHT JESSIE J JR had sold 10,291 shares worth $1.01 million. Savitt Katherine J sold $175,977 worth of Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) on Tuesday, February 21. On Wednesday, December 7 SPRAGUE JOSEPH A sold $827,160 worth of Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) or 9,482 shares. $166,305 worth of Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) was sold by LEVINE KYLE B on Saturday, February 11. $192,191 worth of Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) was sold by PEDERSEN BRANDON. $1.30 million worth of Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK) was sold by TILDEN BRADLEY D. The insider ELIASEN MARK G sold 1,095 shares worth $105,908.
Gigamon Inc. offers a solution that delivers visibility and control of data-in-motion traversing enterprise, federal and service well-known provider networks. The company has market cap of $1.14 billion. The Company’s Visibility Platform consists of a distributed system of nodes . It has a 23.89 P/E ratio. The Visibility Platform includes physical appliances and virtual nodes that can be deployed in data centers, central offices, virtualized/private cloud/public cloud environments, and small form-factor remote site appliances, which in combination enable pervasive visibility of network infrastructures.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.87 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.27, from 1.14 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 34 investors sold Gigamon Inc shares while 80 reduced holdings. 43 funds opened positions while 56 raised stakes. 30.23 million shares or 5.47% more from 28.66 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Cipher Capital L P owns 21,862 shares. Vanguard Gru Inc reported 0.01% stake. Nationwide Fund Advsr invested in 0% or 20,324 shares. Geode Cap Limited Liability Corp stated it has 229,993 shares. Lyon Street Capital Ltd Liability Co holds 89,089 shares. Capstone Investment Advsr Llc has invested 0.02% of its portfolio in Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO). State Of Wisconsin Invest Board, a Wisconsin-based fund reported 229,619 shares. Brown Advisory holds 0% or 5,861 shares in its portfolio. 8,050 are owned by Princeton Alpha Management Lp. Hbk L P accumulated 130,100 shares. Pnc Fincl Ser Gru holds 1,609 shares. Picton Mahoney Asset Mngmt holds 0.17% or 45,000 shares in its portfolio. Landscape Cap Management Ltd Liability Corporation holds 11,350 shares. Whale Rock Cap Mgmt Limited Liability Corporation has 1.33 million shares for 4.91% of their portfolio. The Massachusetts-based Boston Advsrs Llc has invested 0.02% in Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO).
Among 7 analysts covering Gigamon (NYSE:GIMO), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 71% are positive. Gigamon had 16 analyst reports since March 30, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. DA Davidson upgraded Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) on Friday, December 9 to “Buy” rating. The stock of Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, October 13 by Bank of America. As per Friday, February 3, the company rating was maintained by Needham. The stock of Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) earned “Buy” rating by Dougherty & Company on Wednesday, December 21. Stifel Nicolaus initiated Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) on Wednesday, March 30 with “Hold” rating. The company was maintained on Wednesday, January 18 by Needham. The stock of Gigamon Inc (NYSE:GIMO) earned “Hold” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Tuesday, August 30. The stock has “Buy” rating by Needham on Monday, October 24. As per Saturday, February 4, the company rating was downgraded by Bank of America. As per Wednesday, January 18, the company rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus.