September 3, 2017 - By Darrin Black
Finisar Corporation is a provider of optical subsystems and components that are used in data communication and telecommunication applications. The company has market cap of $2.64 billion. The Company’s optical subsystems consist of transmitters, receivers, transceivers, transponders and active optical cables, which provide the fundamental optical-electrical or optoelectronic interface for interconnecting the electronic equipment used in these networks, including the switches, routers, and servers used in wireline networks. It has a 10.66 P/E ratio.
Agran Libbie decreased Teva Pharmaceutical Inds Ltd (TEVA) stake by 5.24% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Agran Libbie sold 9,415 shares as Teva Pharmaceutical Inds Ltd (TEVA)’s stock declined 15.11%. The Agran Libbie holds 170,305 shares with $6.17 million value, down from 179,720 last quarter. Teva Pharmaceutical Inds Ltd now has $16.41 billion valuation. The stock increased 0.25% or $0.04 on September 1, reaching $15.9. About shares traded. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (ADR) (NYSE:TEVA) has declined 41.70% since September 3, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 58.40% the S&P500.
Among 27 analysts covering Teva Pharma (NYSE:TEVA), 6 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 18 Hold. Therefore 22% are positive. Teva Pharma had 85 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Mizuho maintained it with “Buy” rating and $64.0 target in Thursday, August 25 report. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Monday, July 27 by Maxim Group. On Friday, July 14 the stock rating was maintained by Oppenheimer with “Buy”. The firm has “Perform” rating by Oppenheimer given on Thursday, August 3. The stock of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (ADR) (NYSE:TEVA) has “Overweight” rating given on Tuesday, May 3 by Morgan Stanley. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Tuesday, February 28 by Argus Research. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Tuesday, July 28 by Citigroup. Cowen & Co maintained it with “Outperform” rating and $50 target in Wednesday, April 5 report. The stock has “Buy” rating by Goldman Sachs on Monday, November 23. The firm has “Underperform” rating given on Thursday, August 24 by Credit Suisse.
Ao Asset Management Llc holds 12.27% of its portfolio in Finisar Corporation for 1.22 million shares. Kopp Investment Advisors Llc owns 181,105 shares or 5.79% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Glaxis Capital Management Llc has 3.19% invested in the company for 37,650 shares. The California-based Sanctuary Wealth Advisors Llc has invested 2.88% in the stock. Quentec Asset Management Llc, a New York-based fund reported 707,574 shares.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 buys, and 9 selling transactions for $1.79 million activity.
Ratings analysis reveals 83% of Finisar’s analysts are positive. Out of 6 Wall Street analysts rating Finisar, 5 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 1 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $27.0 while the high is $35.0. The stock’s average target of $29.50 is 27.21% above today’s ($23.19) share price. FNSR was included in 6 notes of analysts from September 6, 2016. Stifel Nicolaus upgraded Finisar Corporation (NASDAQ:FNSR) on Tuesday, September 6 to “Buy” rating. The stock of Finisar Corporation (NASDAQ:FNSR) earned “Equal Weight” rating by Barclays Capital on Friday, September 9. Needham maintained Finisar Corporation (NASDAQ:FNSR) rating on Tuesday, September 6. Needham has “Buy” rating and $28.0 target. The stock of Finisar Corporation (NASDAQ:FNSR) earned “Outperform” rating by Northland Capital on Monday, December 19. M Partners upgraded the stock to “Buy” rating in Friday, September 9 report. The company was upgraded on Tuesday, October 11 by Goldman Sachs.
The stock decreased 3.98% or $0.96 on September 1, reaching $23.19. About 4.60 million shares traded or 90.87% up from the average. Finisar Corporation (FNSR) has risen 53.92% since September 3, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 37.22% the S&P500.
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