Adecoagro SA (AGRO) Reaches $10.66 After 4.00% Down Move; Heartland Financial USA (HTLF) Sentiment Is 1.15

October 6, 2017 - By Marguerite Chambers

Heartland Financial USA, Inc. is a diversified financial services firm engaged in providing banking, mortgage, private client, investment, treasury management, card services, insurance, and consumer finance services to individuals and businesses. The company has market cap of $1.50 billion. The Company’s divisions include community and other banking, and retail mortgage banking. It has a 16.47 P/E ratio. The Company’s community and other banking segment is engaged in making loans to, and generating deposits from, individuals and businesses in the markets where Heartland has banks.

The stock of Adecoagro SA (NYSE:AGRO) is a huge mover today! About 67,294 shares traded. Adecoagro SA (NYSE:AGRO) has risen 9.46% since October 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 7.24% the S&P500.The move comes after 8 months negative chart setup for the $1.29 billion company. It was reported on Oct, 6 by We have $10.23 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:AGRO worth $51.60M less.

Among 3 analysts covering Adecoagro S.A. (NYSE:AGRO), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Adecoagro S.A. had 4 analyst reports since September 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Adecoagro SA (NYSE:AGRO) has “Overweight” rating given on Monday, September 28 by JP Morgan. As per Tuesday, December 15, the company rating was upgraded by Bank of America. Morgan Stanley maintained it with “Overweight” rating and $15 target in Monday, November 23 report.

Adecoagro S.A. is a holding company

About 19,445 shares traded. Heartland Financial USA Inc (HTLF) has risen 36.11% since October 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 19.41% the S&P500.

Dubuque Bank & Trust Co holds 3.26% of its portfolio in Heartland Financial USA Inc for 317,338 shares. Walthausen & Co. Llc owns 260,889 shares or 1.2% of their US portfolio. Moreover, At Bancorp has 0.74% invested in the company for 133,657 shares. The Missouri-based Financial Counselors Inc has invested 0.71% in the stock. Phocas Financial Corp., a California-based fund reported 105,465 shares.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 2 insider buys, and 0 selling transactions for $135,278 activity.

Analysts await Heartland Financial USA Inc (NASDAQ:HTLF) to report earnings on October, 30. They expect $0.72 earnings per share, down 11.11% or $0.09 from last year’s $0.81 per share. HTLF’s profit will be $21.56 million for 17.40 P/E if the $0.72 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.81 actual earnings per share reported by Heartland Financial USA Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -11.11% negative EPS growth.

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