Acacia Research (ACTG) Is At $4.00 Formed Wedge, Shorts at Orrstown Financial Services (ORRF) Raised By 23.39%

June 2, 2017 - By Winifred Garcia

Acacia Research Corp (ACTG) formed wedge down with $3.68 target or 8.00% below today’s $4.00 share price. Acacia Research Corp (ACTG) has $199.82M valuation. The stock increased 1.27% or $0.05 during the last trading session, reaching $4. About shares traded. Acacia Research Corp (NASDAQ:ACTG) has declined 3.02% since June 2, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 19.72% the S&P500.

Orrstown Financial Services Incorporated (NASDAQ:ORRF) had an increase of 23.39% in short interest. ORRF’s SI was 45,900 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its up 23.39% from 37,200 shares previously. With 15,500 avg volume, 3 days are for Orrstown Financial Services Incorporated (NASDAQ:ORRF)’s short sellers to cover ORRF’s short positions. The SI to Orrstown Financial Services Incorporated’s float is 0.68%. The stock increased 2.13% or $0.45 during the last trading session, reaching $21.55. About shares traded. Orrstown Financial Services (NASDAQ:ORRF) has risen 11.60% since June 2, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 5.10% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.2 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.06, from 1.14 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 12 investors sold Acacia Research Corp shares while 34 reduced holdings. 22 funds opened positions while 33 raised stakes. 37.16 million shares or 0.86% less from 37.48 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Blackrock Advisors Ltd Com accumulated 23,541 shares. Price T Rowe Associates Md has invested 0% in Acacia Research Corp (NASDAQ:ACTG). Ancora Advisors Ltd Liability Corp owns 40,000 shares. Walleye Trading Ltd Llc invested in 11,500 shares. Brandywine Investment Management Limited holds 0% or 25,020 shares. 102,821 are owned by California State Teachers Retirement Sys. Kcg invested in 14,382 shares. Ariel Limited Co owns 3.41 million shares. Envestnet Asset Mngmt holds 0% or 8,891 shares in its portfolio. Pacific Ridge Prns Ltd reported 683,460 shares. New York State Common Retirement Fund reported 0% stake. Cwm Limited Co stated it has 0.76% of its portfolio in Acacia Research Corp (NASDAQ:ACTG). Barclays Plc holds 0% or 1,494 shares in its portfolio. Sii Invests Inc Wi reported 0.01% in Acacia Research Corp (NASDAQ:ACTG). Globeflex Limited Partnership has invested 0% of its portfolio in Acacia Research Corp (NASDAQ:ACTG).

Since March 10, 2017, it had 5 insider purchases, and 0 sales for $1.00 million activity. 7,335 shares were bought by Walsh Frank E. III, worth $37,042. GRAZIADIO G LOUIS III bought $485,851 worth of stock or 97,445 shares.

Among 3 analysts covering Acacia Research (NASDAQ:ACTG), 2 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. Acacia Research had 6 analyst reports since August 20, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Friday, July 29 by Barclays Capital. The firm has “Buy” rating by Lake Street given on Wednesday, December 23. Barclays Capital downgraded it to “Underweight” rating and $4 target in Tuesday, January 5 report. The rating was upgraded by Northland Capital to “Outperform” on Monday, May 23.

Since December 7, 2016, it had 4 insider buys, and 2 sales for $18,679 activity. Another trade for 1,250 shares valued at $27,681 was sold by CEDDIA ANTHONY F. Shares for $13,740 were bought by Joiner Cindy Jeannette on Friday, January 27. Another trade for 1,000 shares valued at $22,500 was bought by Segal Eric Andrew. Longenecker Thomas D bought $13,008 worth of stock or 600 shares.

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