June 7, 2017 - By Migdalia James
California Water Service Group is a holding company. The company has market cap of $1.74 billion. The Firm operates through the supply and distribution of water and providing water-related utility services segment. It has a 34.08 P/E ratio. The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides non-regulated services and non-regulated services to private companies and municipalities.
Allstate Corp increased Accenture Plc Ireland (ACN) stake by 1604.85% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Allstate Corp acquired 60,214 shares as Accenture Plc Ireland (ACN)’s stock declined 0.21%. The Allstate Corp holds 63,966 shares with $7.49M value, up from 3,752 last quarter. Accenture Plc Ireland now has $81.74B valuation. The stock rose 0.18% or $0.23 reaching $126.56 per share. About 823,241 shares traded. Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) has risen 4.27% since June 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 12.43% the S&P500.
Allstate Corp decreased Leggett & Platt Inc (NYSE:LEG) stake by 67,768 shares to 39,422 valued at $1.93M in 2016Q4. It also reduced International Business Machs (NYSE:IBM) stake by 21,833 shares and now owns 12,902 shares. Ishares Tr (HYG) was reduced too.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.93 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.06, from 0.99 in 2016Q3. It fall, as 48 investors sold ACN shares while 379 reduced holdings. 98 funds opened positions while 298 raised stakes. 466.12 million shares or 9.23% more from 426.72 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Murphy Pohlad Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability invested 0.17% in Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN). Stack Fincl has invested 4.38% in Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN). Clark Management Grp Incorporated has 1.05% invested in Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN). Choate Invest Advisors accumulated 11,766 shares. Aqr Cap Mgmt Limited Liability Company reported 1.00M shares. Colony Group Limited Liability Corporation reported 100,647 shares stake. Moreno Evelyn V reported 3,150 shares. Jpmorgan Chase & stated it has 14.31M shares or 0.4% of all its holdings. 280,164 were reported by Great Lakes Advsr Limited Liability. 2.95 million are held by Price T Rowe Assoc Md. Moreover, Hightower Ltd Co has 0.07% invested in Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) for 52,224 shares. Standard Life Limited stated it has 205,717 shares or 0.08% of all its holdings. Sg Americas Secs Llc owns 93,058 shares or 0.09% of their US portfolio. Chevy Chase Trust holds 0.51% of its portfolio in Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) for 817,360 shares. Denver Investment Advsrs Ltd Liability accumulated 103,793 shares.
Among 19 analysts covering Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN), 11 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 58% are positive. Accenture Plc had 39 analyst reports since August 12, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Equalweight” rating by Barclays Capital given on Monday, March 28. The stock of Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, September 28 by Citigroup. As per Thursday, March 30, the company rating was maintained by Wedbush. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Outperform” on Friday, June 24. The rating was initiated by Pacific Crest on Tuesday, July 12 with “Overweight”. Cowen & Co maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Tuesday, May 31 report. Deutsche Bank maintained Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) rating on Monday, March 27. Deutsche Bank has “” rating and $133 target. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Monday, October 3 by Cantor Fitzgerald. Berenberg initiated Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) rating on Thursday, October 13. Berenberg has “Buy” rating and $140 target. Argus Research upgraded Accenture Plc (NYSE:ACN) rating on Tuesday, September 8. Argus Research has “Buy” rating and $108.0 target.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 6 buys, and 2 sales for $117,805 activity.
Ratings analysis reveals 0 of California Water’s analysts are positive. Out of 4 Wall Street analysts rating California Water, 0 give it “Buy”, 1 “Sell” rating, while 3 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $31.0 while the high is $33.0. The stock’s average target of $32 is -10.99% below today’s ($35.95) share price. CWT was included in 4 notes of analysts from September 6, 2016. The firm earned “Underperform” rating on Friday, February 24 by Wells Fargo. The stock of California Water Service Group (NYSE:CWT) has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, January 18 by Macquarie Research. On Tuesday, September 6 the stock rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with “Equal Weight”. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Friday, October 14 by Robert W. Baird.
Water Asset Management Llc holds 2.88% of its portfolio in California Water Service Group for 125,934 shares. Impax Asset Management Ltd owns 1.73 million shares or 2.59% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Cutter & Co Brokerage Inc. has 1.06% invested in the company for 75,600 shares. The New York-based Clear Harbor Asset Management Llc has invested 0.62% in the stock. Corecommodity Management Llc, a Connecticut-based fund reported 19,459 shares.
About 35,009 shares traded. California Water Service Group (CWT) has risen 22.84% since June 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 6.14% the S&P500.
Analysts await California Water Service Group (NYSE:CWT) to report earnings on July, 27. They expect $0.31 EPS, up 29.17% or $0.07 from last year’s $0.24 per share. CWT’s profit will be $15.00 million for 28.99 P/E if the $0.31 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.02 actual EPS reported by California Water Service Group for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 1,450.00% EPS growth.
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