March 14, 2018 - By Kurt Siggers
Analysts expect Nicolet Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:NCBS) to report $0.73 EPS on April, 17.They anticipate $0.04 EPS change or 5.80% from last quarter’s $0.69 EPS. NCBS’s profit would be $7.13 million giving it 19.45 P/E if the $0.73 EPS is correct. After having $0.97 EPS previously, Nicolet Bankshares, Inc.’s analysts see -24.74% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.14% or $0.08 during the last trading session, reaching $56.79. About 28,443 shares traded or 24.04% up from the average. Nicolet Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:NCBS) has risen 23.99% since March 14, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 7.29% the S&P500.
THOMAS COOK GROUP PLC PETERBOROUGH ORDIN (OTCMKTS:TCKGF) had a decrease of 2.58% in short interest. TCKGF’s SI was 604,100 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 2.58% from 620,100 shares previously. With 6,800 avg volume, 89 days are for THOMAS COOK GROUP PLC PETERBOROUGH ORDIN (OTCMKTS:TCKGF)’s short sellers to cover TCKGF’s short positions. It closed at $1.74 lastly. It is down 0.00% since March 14, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Thomas Cook Group plc provides leisure travel services in the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, Northern Europe, and Germany. The company has market cap of $2.61 billion. It also owns, leases, manages, or franchises approximately 190 own-brand hotels in 16 countries under the Casa Cook, Sunwing, Sunprime, Sunconnect, Sentido, and Smartline brands, as well as various partner hotels. It currently has negative earnings. In addition, the firm operates an airline fleet of 94 aircrafts; and Academy of Excellence, which offers quality management training and consulting services to its partner hotels in areas, such as food presentation, housekeeping, and online reputation management, as well as offers ancillary products, including travel and booking insurance, airline meals and seat selection, extra luggage, private transfers, room upgrades, excursions, and entertainment while in destination.
Nicolet Bankshares, Inc. operates as the holding firm for Nicolet National Bank that provides commercial and retail banking services for businesses and individuals. The company has market cap of $554.67 million. The firm accepts checking, savings, and money market accounts; various certificates of deposit; and individual retirement accounts. It has a 17.05 P/E ratio. It also offers commercial loans, including commercial, industrial, and business loans and lines of credit, as well as owner-occupied commercial real estate and agricultural production loans; commercial real estate loans consisting of investment real estate, AG real estate, and construction and land development loans; residential real estate loans, such as residential first lien mortgages, junior lien mortgages, home equity loans, lines of credit, and residential construction loans; and consumer loans.
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