October 12, 2017 - By Ellis Scott
Analysts expect SunCoke Energy Partners LP (NYSE:SXCP) to report $0.23 EPS on October, 19.They anticipate $0.19 EPS change or 45.24% from last quarter’s $0.42 EPS. SXCP’s profit would be $10.63 million giving it 19.08 P/E if the $0.23 EPS is correct. After having $0.13 EPS previously, SunCoke Energy Partners LP’s analysts see 76.92% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.28% or $0.05 on October 11, reaching $17.55. About shares traded. SunCoke Energy Partners LP (NYSE:SXCP) has risen 51.79% since October 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 35.09% the S&P500.
Among 15 analysts covering Novartis Ag (NYSE:NVS), 5 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 8 Hold. Therefore 33% are positive. Novartis Ag had 30 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was initiated by Argus Research on Tuesday, April 5 with “Hold”. The rating was maintained by JP Morgan with “Neutral” on Wednesday, April 19. Cowen & Co maintained Novartis AG (ADR) (NYSE:NVS) on Monday, September 11 with “Hold” rating. The firm earned “Market Perform” rating on Wednesday, April 5 by Cowen & Co. The stock of Novartis AG (ADR) (NYSE:NVS) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, March 8 by Societe Generale. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Wednesday, January 11 by Credit Suisse. The firm has “Underperform” rating by Morgan Stanley given on Tuesday, April 12. As per Friday, March 24, the company rating was maintained by JP Morgan. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Tuesday, January 3 by JP Morgan. The stock of Novartis AG (ADR) (NYSE:NVS) has “Underperform” rating given on Wednesday, July 5 by Credit Suisse. See Novartis AG (ADR) (NYSE:NVS) latest ratings:
11/09/2017 Broker: Cowen & Co Rating: Hold New Target: $90.0 Maintain
09/08/2017 Broker: Cowen & Co Rating: Hold New Target: $90.0000 Maintain
26/07/2017 Broker: Morgan Stanley Old Rating: Underweight New Rating: Overweight Upgrade
18/07/2017 Broker: Cowen & Co Rating: Hold Maintain
10/07/2017 Broker: Cowen & Co Rating: Hold New Target: $77.0000 Maintain
23/06/2017 Broker: Barclays Capital Rating: Hold Upgrade
22/06/2017 Broker: Leerink Swann Rating: Hold Maintain
05/07/2017 Broker: Credit Suisse Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Underperform Downgrade
16/06/2017 Broker: J P Morgan Chase Co Rating: Neutral Maintain
19/04/2017 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Neutral Maintain
Novartis AG is a holding company, which provides healthcare solutions. The company has market cap of $224.61 billion. The Firm is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of a range of healthcare products led by pharmaceuticals. It has a 31.53 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include Innovative Medicines, Sandoz, Alcon and Corporate activities.
The stock increased 0.78% or $0.67 during the last trading session, reaching $86.39. About shares traded. Novartis AG (ADR) (NYSE:NVS) has risen 7.67% since October 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 9.03% the S&P500.
Among 4 analysts covering SunCoke Energy Partners (NYSE:SXCP), 2 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. SunCoke Energy Partners had 6 analyst reports since July 22, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, December 9 by Bank of America. As per Monday, January 11, the company rating was downgraded by Barclays Capital. The rating was initiated by FBR Capital on Friday, September 18 with “Outperform”. FBR Capital maintained the shares of SXCP in report on Friday, October 21 with “Outperform” rating.
SunCoke Energy Partners, L.P. is engaged in the production of coke used in the blast furnace production of steel. The company has market cap of $811.23 million. As of December 31, 2016, the Company owned a 98% interest in Haverhill Coke Company LLC , Middletown Coke Company, LLC (Middletown), and Gateway Energy and Coke Company, LLC (Granite City). It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s divisions include Domestic Coke, which consists of the Haverhill, Middletown and Granite City cokemaking and heat recovery activities located in Franklin Furnace, Ohio; Middletown, Ohio, and Granite City, Illinois, respectively, and Coal Logistics, which consists of the Company’s Convent Marine Terminal, Kanawha River Terminals, LLC and SunCoke Lake Terminal, LLC (Lake Terminal) coal handling and/or mixing service activities in Convent, Louisiana; Ceredo and Belle, West Virginia, and East Chicago, Indiana, respectively.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.1 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.27, from 0.83 in 2017Q1. It is positive, as 6 investors sold SunCoke Energy Partners LP shares while 15 reduced holdings. 9 funds opened positions while 14 raised stakes. 6.99 million shares or 20.09% less from 8.75 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Vertex One Asset Management Incorporated invested in 52,000 shares or 0.14% of the stock. Adams Asset Ltd Liability Corporation reported 41,695 shares stake. Manufacturers Life Com The holds 0% in SunCoke Energy Partners LP (NYSE:SXCP) or 2,216 shares. Creative Planning owns 12,817 shares. Guggenheim Cap Lc owns 0.02% invested in SunCoke Energy Partners LP (NYSE:SXCP) for 378,093 shares. 169,912 are held by Eaton Vance Mgmt. 26,398 are owned by Goldman Sachs. Deutsche Retail Bank Ag holds 0% or 41 shares. Van Eck holds 253,629 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. Gendell Jeffrey L has 999,376 shares for 1.26% of their portfolio. X Mgmt Ltd owns 5,707 shares. Alpha Cubed owns 0.05% invested in SunCoke Energy Partners LP (NYSE:SXCP) for 16,655 shares. Next Fincl Incorporated reported 4,000 shares. Quinn Opportunity Partners Ltd reported 21,724 shares stake. Jpmorgan Chase owns 5,000 shares.
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