July 5, 2017 - By Kurt Siggers
Analysts expect TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT) to report $0.11 EPS on August, 3.They anticipate $0.01 EPS change or 10.00% from last quarter’s $0.1 EPS. TACT’s profit would be $817,882 giving it 19.32 P/E if the $0.11 EPS is correct. After having $0.13 EPS previously, TransAct Technologies Incorporated’s analysts see -15.38% EPS growth. About 3,471 shares traded. TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT) has risen 13.92% since July 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 2.78% the S&P500.
Among 12 analysts covering Apollo Investment (NASDAQ:AINV), 5 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 6 Hold. Therefore 42% are positive. Apollo Investment had 16 analyst reports since July 22, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Monday, August 10 the stock rating was maintained by Maxim Group with “Buy”. The rating was downgraded by JMP Securities to “Market Perform” on Thursday, February 11. Wood downgraded the stock to “Market Perform” rating in Friday, May 20 report. Citigroup downgraded Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) on Thursday, February 11 to “Sell” rating. The stock of Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) earned “Neutral” rating by Citigroup on Friday, August 21. The stock of Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) earned “Buy” rating by Cantor Fitzgerald on Tuesday, September 1. The firm has “Buy” rating by Cantor Fitzgerald given on Sunday, August 9. On Wednesday, May 31 the stock rating was maintained by Keefe Bruyette & Woods with “Hold”. The stock has “Neutral” rating by DA Davidson on Wednesday, September 30. The firm has “Equal Weight” rating given on Wednesday, July 22 by Barclays Capital. See Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) latest ratings:
31/05/2017 Broker: Keefe Bruyette & Woods Rating: Hold New Target: $6.5000 Maintain
Apollo Investment Corporation is a closed-end, externally managed, non-diversified management investment company. The company has market cap of $1.42 billion. The Company’s investment objective is to generate current income and capital appreciation. It has a 75.24 P/E ratio. It invests primarily in various forms of debt investments, including secured and unsecured debt, loan investments and/or equity in private middle-market companies.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.94 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.98, from 0.96 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 12 investors sold Apollo Investment Corp. shares while 40 reduced holdings. 31 funds opened positions while 70 raised stakes. 93.38 million shares or 0.33% less from 93.69 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Mngmt Ltd has 367,562 shares for 0.04% of their portfolio. Us Bancorp De accumulated 8,000 shares or 0% of the stock. Eqis Cap holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) for 30,783 shares. Raymond James & Assoc reported 0% stake. Schafer Cullen Capital Mngmt accumulated 17,550 shares. Gradient Ltd Co holds 0% of its portfolio in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) for 880 shares. West Family reported 80,800 shares. Moreover, Pacad Inv Ltd has 0% invested in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) for 6,500 shares. Ar Asset Management Inc, California-based fund reported 50,000 shares. Manning & Napier Advsr Ltd reported 83,718 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Connable Office invested in 0.02% or 16,895 shares. Engineers Gate Manager L P holds 0.08% in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) or 130,747 shares. The California-based United Financial Advisers Ltd Liability has invested 0% in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV). Moreover, Panagora Asset Mngmt has 0% invested in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV). Neuberger Berman Group Lc has 0% invested in Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) for 173,920 shares.
About 326,868 shares traded. Apollo Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AINV) has risen 17.01% since July 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.31% the S&P500.
TransAct Technologies Incorporated designs, develops and sells market-specific solutions, including printers, terminals, software and other products for transaction and other industries. The company has market cap of $63.20 million. The Firm operates through the segment, which includes design, development, assembly and marketing of transaction printers and terminals, and providing printer and terminal related software, services, supplies and spare parts. It has a 16.25 P/E ratio. The Company’s thermal, inkjet and impact printers and terminals generate labels and transaction records, such as receipts, tickets, coupons, register journals and other documents, as well as printed logging, and plotting of oil field and well drilling data.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.67 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.58, from 1.09 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 1 investors sold TransAct Technologies Incorporated shares while 8 reduced holdings. 6 funds opened positions while 9 raised stakes. 2.68 million shares or 0.78% more from 2.65 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Blackrock Fund Advisors invested in 0% or 24,177 shares. Dimensional Fund Advsrs Ltd Partnership reported 238,076 shares. Bridgeway Capital Management Incorporated invested in 0.01% or 135,888 shares. Jacobs Levy Equity Mngmt Inc has invested 0% in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT). Wells Fargo Mn owns 2,885 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Geode Cap Ltd Company reported 0% in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT). Bancshares Of America De owns 504 shares. Blackrock Lc has invested 0% in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT). Vanguard Grp Inc accumulated 388,490 shares. Renaissance Technology Ltd Liability Com invested in 0% or 387,001 shares. Nationwide Fund Advsr has invested 0% of its portfolio in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT). Lsv Asset Management has invested 0% of its portfolio in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT). Moreover, Gabelli Funds Limited has 0% invested in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT) for 33,050 shares. National Bank & Trust Of Mellon invested 0% of its portfolio in TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NASDAQ:TACT). Gamco Investors Incorporated Et Al accumulated 90,000 shares.
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