July 7, 2017 - By Dolores Ford
Boothbay Fund Management Llc decreased Fidelity Natl Information Sv (FIS) stake by 43.48% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Boothbay Fund Management Llc sold 17,578 shares as Fidelity Natl Information Sv (FIS)’s stock rose 1.40%. The Boothbay Fund Management Llc holds 22,852 shares with $1.73M value, down from 40,430 last quarter. Fidelity Natl Information Sv now has $28.50B valuation. The stock rose 0.02% or $0.02 reaching $86.8. About 1.77M shares traded or 18.00% up from the average. Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS) has risen 14.58% since July 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 2.12% the S&P500.
Bioblast Pharma Limited Ord (NASDAQ:ORPN) had an increase of 8.42% in short interest. ORPN’s SI was 207,300 shares in July as released by FINRA. Its up 8.42% from 191,200 shares previously. With 31,500 avg volume, 7 days are for Bioblast Pharma Limited Ord (NASDAQ:ORPN)’s short sellers to cover ORPN’s short positions. The SI to Bioblast Pharma Limited Ord’s float is 2.92%. The stock decreased 6.54% or $0.04 on July 7, reaching $0.573. About 99,700 shares traded. Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN) has declined 69.59% since July 7, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 86.29% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.71 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.04, from 0.67 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 2 investors sold Bioblast Pharma Ltd shares while 5 reduced holdings. 2 funds opened positions while 3 raised stakes. 1.68 million shares or 3.63% more from 1.62 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Sabby Management Lc reported 660,157 shares. Anson Funds Management Limited Partnership owns 270,793 shares for 0.09% of their portfolio. Renaissance Limited Liability Corp holds 83,400 shares. Wells Fargo And Mn holds 0% or 1,000 shares. Knoll Capital Mngmt Lp invested in 206,054 shares or 0.38% of the stock. Oppenheimer & Company Incorporated invested in 24,700 shares or 0% of the stock. Bridgeway Management holds 0% in Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN) or 163,811 shares. Deutsche Bankshares Ag reported 1 shares. Blackrock Fund has 0% invested in Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN). Blackrock Institutional Trust Na has invested 0% in Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN). Citadel Ltd Com reported 0% in Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN). 15,032 were accumulated by Kcg Incorporated. Morgan Stanley owns 513 shares. California Public Employees Retirement Sys invested in 35,200 shares or 0% of the stock. Hightower Advsr Ltd has 0% invested in Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN).
Among 3 analysts covering Bio Blast Pharma (NASDAQ:ORPN), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Bio Blast Pharma had 5 analyst reports since August 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Monday, August 24 the stock rating was maintained by Roth Capital with “Buy”. The firm has “Buy” rating by Rodman & Renshaw given on Thursday, January 28. The stock of Bioblast Pharma Ltd (NASDAQ:ORPN) earned “Buy” rating by TH Capital on Wednesday, December 9. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Tuesday, August 25 by Zacks. Roth Capital maintained the shares of ORPN in report on Wednesday, December 9 with “Buy” rating.
Bioblast Pharma Ltd is an Israel development-stage biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $9.28 million. The Firm is focused on the identification, licensing, acquisition, development and commercialization of drugs for rare and ultra-rare genetic and metabolic diseases. It currently has negative earnings. It focuses on therapeutic platforms that offer solutions for several diseases that share a common pathophysiological mechanism, which are the functional changes that accompany a particular syndrome or disease.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.14 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.18, from 1.32 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 38 investors sold FIS shares while 190 reduced holdings. 63 funds opened positions while 198 raised stakes. 280.40 million shares or 0.99% more from 277.66 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Yhb Advisors reported 0.17% in Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS). Private Na has 4,188 shares for 0.08% of their portfolio. Arcadia Mgmt Corporation Mi has 135 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Nomura Hldgs Inc accumulated 28,904 shares or 0.01% of the stock. Weitz Invest Mngmt stated it has 0.02% in Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS). 5,783 are owned by Raymond James Trust Na. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) holds 0.07% or 89,755 shares. Lombard Odier Asset Mngmt (Europe) reported 3,906 shares. North Star Inv Management holds 0.02% of its portfolio in Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS) for 1,382 shares. Marietta Partners Limited holds 0.36% in Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS) or 13,420 shares. Advisor Prns Ltd Liability Corporation reported 5,006 shares. Schwab Charles holds 997,300 shares or 0.08% of its portfolio. Iowa-based Utd Fire Incorporated has invested 0.27% in Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS). Moreover, Co Commercial Bank has 0.44% invested in Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS). Gam Ag holds 0.09% or 69,864 shares in its portfolio.
Among 20 analysts covering Fidelity National Information Services (NYSE:FIS), 19 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 95% are positive. Fidelity National Information Services had 32 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating by Citigroup given on Wednesday, July 27. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Wedbush given on Friday, September 9. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Tuesday, December 1 by Goldman Sachs. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Friday, April 1 by Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating in Tuesday, March 28 report. On Tuesday, January 12 the stock rating was upgraded by Wells Fargo to “Outperform”. SunTrust maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Friday, September 11 report. The company was maintained on Monday, September 26 by Barclays Capital. The firm has “Buy” rating by Oppenheimer given on Monday, June 26. The company was maintained on Wednesday, July 27 by Barclays Capital.
Analysts await Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS) to report earnings on July, 25. They expect $0.97 EPS, up 7.78% or $0.07 from last year’s $0.9 per share. FIS’s profit will be $318.49M for 22.37 P/E if the $0.97 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.86 actual EPS reported by Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 12.79% EPS growth.
Boothbay Fund Management Llc increased Alphabet Inc stake by 1,158 shares to 2,540 valued at $2.01 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Chevron Corp New (NYSE:CVX) stake by 3,206 shares and now owns 7,640 shares. Spdr S&P 500 Etf Tr (SPY) was raised too.
Since February 17, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 10 selling transactions for $113.61 million activity. Woodall James W. also sold $5.87M worth of Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS) shares. 250,000 shares were sold by Norcross Gary, worth $20.77 million on Tuesday, May 9. Shares for $263,080 were sold by THOMPSON KATHLEEN T on Tuesday, March 14. MARTIRE FRANK R also sold $25.04 million worth of Fidelity National Information Servcs Inc (NYSE:FIS) on Thursday, March 16. Massey Richard N sold $1.25 million worth of stock. Oates Michael P sold $22.08 million worth of stock or 266,712 shares. 550 shares were sold by Stallings James B JR, worth $44,863 on Friday, February 17.
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