August 8, 2017 - By Hazel Jackson
Whittier Trust Co Of Nevada Inc decreased Vodafone Group Plc New Spnsr Adr (VOD) stake by 60.26% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Whittier Trust Co Of Nevada Inc sold 29,948 shares as Vodafone Group Plc New Spnsr Adr (VOD)’s stock rose 16.21%. The Whittier Trust Co Of Nevada Inc holds 19,749 shares with $482,000 value, down from 49,697 last quarter. Vodafone Group Plc New Spnsr Adr now has $79.06 billion valuation. The stock increased 0.30% or $0.09 during the last trading session, reaching $29.9. About shares traded. Vodafone Group Plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:VOD) has declined 13.23% since August 8, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 29.93% the S&P500.
Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Value Fund is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The company has market cap of $254.12 million. The Fund’s primary objective is current income exempt from regular federal income taxes and its secondary objective is to enhance portfolio value and total return. It currently has negative earnings. The Fund seeks to provide monthly tax-free income exempt from federal income tax, including alternative minimum tax ; after tax total returns from an investment grade portfolio, and portfolio diversification.
Among 7 analysts covering Vodafone Group PLC (ADR) (NASDAQ:VOD), 2 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Vodafone Group PLC (ADR) had 11 analyst reports since October 19, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was downgraded by Standpoint Research to “Reduce” on Thursday, June 1. Bank of America upgraded Vodafone Group Plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:VOD) on Wednesday, April 20 to “Buy” rating. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, January 25 by Bank of America. BNP Paribas downgraded Vodafone Group Plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:VOD) on Monday, November 21 to “Neutral” rating. The firm has “Accumulate” rating by Standpoint Research given on Tuesday, January 3. The stock of Vodafone Group Plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:VOD) earned “Buy” rating by Argus Research on Monday, June 12. On Monday, June 13 the stock rating was downgraded by Macquarie Research to “Neutral”. On Tuesday, January 10 the stock rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs to “Buy”. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Monday, October 19 by Macquarie Research. The stock of Vodafone Group Plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:VOD) has “Hold” rating given on Tuesday, September 20 by Argus Research.
Whittier Trust Co Of Nevada Inc increased Allergan Plc Shs stake by 4,602 shares to 5,906 valued at $1.24M in 2016Q4. It also upped Colgate Palmolive Co Com (NYSE:CL) stake by 4,690 shares and now owns 18,436 shares. Ishares S&P National Munis Amt (MUB) was raised too.
The stock decreased 0.12% or $0.02 on August 7, reaching $17.35. About shares traded. Nuveen Amt-Free Municipal Value Fund (NUW) has 0.00% since August 8, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
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