June 8, 2017 - By Maria Brooks
As revealed in a report filed with the (SEC) on June 08, 2017, Jeffrey Walsh an insider in Bluebird Bio Inc and currently Chief Financial, made a sale of shares worth $250,135 USD in the Massachusetts-based company. He sold 2,500 shares, at average $100.1 per share. This is not his first insider trade, in the last month, he sold another 1,250 shares worth $110,966 USD. he currently holds 0.07% of the market cap of the Company.
Limoneira Company (NASDAQ:LMNR) had a decrease of 19.79% in short interest. LMNR’s SI was 218,400 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 19.79% from 272,300 shares previously. With 28,600 avg volume, 8 days are for Limoneira Company (NASDAQ:LMNR)’s short sellers to cover LMNR’s short positions. The SI to Limoneira Company’s float is 1.85%. About 112,133 shares traded or 350.37% up from the average. Limoneira Company (NASDAQ:LMNR) has risen 20.88% since June 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 4.18% the S&P500.
Analysts await bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) to report earnings on August, 2. They expect $-1.73 earnings per share, down 8.81% or $0.14 from last year’s $-1.59 per share. After $-1.68 actual earnings per share reported by bluebird bio Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 2.98% negative EPS growth.
Since January 5, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 35 insider sales for $7.76 million activity. Mandell James also sold $600,322 worth of bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) on Tuesday, January 31. Shares for $12,034 were sold by LYNCH DANIEL. 1,500 shares valued at $113,430 were sold by Gregory Philip D on Thursday, June 1. 5,225 bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) shares with value of $471,911 were sold by Cole Jason. Walsh Jeffrey T. sold 1,250 shares worth $109,225. The insider Davidson David sold 2,000 shares worth $148,187. Shares for $40,689 were sold by Sullivan Eric on Thursday, March 16.
Among 16 analysts covering bluebird bio (NASDAQ:BLUE), 11 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 69% are positive. bluebird bio has $244 highest and $14 lowest target. $112.31’s average target is 1.18% above currents $111 stock price. bluebird bio had 37 analyst reports since August 11, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Maxim Group maintained bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) rating on Tuesday, January 5. Maxim Group has “Buy” rating and $105.0 target. As per Friday, June 3, the company rating was initiated by Cantor Fitzgerald. Jefferies initiated the shares of BLUE in report on Friday, October 23 with “Buy” rating. The stock of bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) has “Outperform” rating given on Friday, October 14 by Leerink Swann. The rating was initiated by Stifel Nicolaus with “Buy” on Thursday, December 17. The rating was downgraded by Cantor Fitzgerald on Friday, October 14 to “Sell”. As per Monday, February 6, the company rating was downgraded by TH Capital. As per Thursday, December 3, the company rating was initiated by TH Capital. As per Monday, December 7, the company rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley. The company was initiated on Thursday, December 3 by Roth Capital.
The stock increased 1.69% or $1.85 during the last trading session, reaching $111. About 1.70M shares traded or 98.10% up from the average. bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) has risen 112.34% since June 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 95.64% the S&P500.
bluebird bio, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company. The company has market cap of $5.05 billion. The Firm is focused on developing gene therapies for severe diseases and cancer. It currently has negative earnings. With its lentiviral gene therapy and gene editing capabilities, it has built an integrated product platform with various applications in these areas.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.29 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.19, from 1.48 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 33 investors sold bluebird bio Inc shares while 51 reduced holdings. 30 funds opened positions while 78 raised stakes. 45.73 million shares or 4.13% more from 43.91 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Nationwide Fund Advsr holds 70,617 shares. 14,115 were accumulated by Sg Americas Ltd Limited Liability Company. Strs Ohio holds 4,200 shares or 0% of its portfolio. 3,883 are owned by Aperio Group Ltd Llc. Blackrock Fund Advsrs holds 0.02% in bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE) or 1.81M shares. Frontier Cap Commerce Ltd Co stated it has 201,454 shares. The United Kingdom-based Pictet Asset Mgmt has invested 0.03% in bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE). Winfield Assoc accumulated 2,660 shares. Ny State Common Retirement Fund invested in 142,608 shares. Deutsche Retail Bank Ag reported 310,756 shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Blackrock Group Incorporated holds 29,115 shares. Citigroup invested in 50,040 shares or 0% of the stock. 20 were accumulated by Fin Mngmt. Rock Springs Capital Mngmt Ltd Partnership holds 0.12% or 28,500 shares. Amer Century Cos invested in 0% or 12,084 shares.
Among 4 analysts covering Limoneira (NASDAQ:LMNR), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Limoneira had 4 analyst reports since September 10, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Limoneira Company (NASDAQ:LMNR) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, January 11 by Lake Street. Roth Capital maintained the shares of LMNR in report on Thursday, September 10 with “Buy” rating. The stock of Limoneira Company (NASDAQ:LMNR) earned “Buy” rating by Buckingham Research on Monday, October 19. TH Capital maintained it with “Buy” rating and $25 target in Thursday, September 10 report.
Since December 27, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 5 sales for $201,938 activity. The insider Michaelis Ronald L sold 1,500 shares worth $30,383. CHESS ELIZABETH BLANCHARD sold $21,000 worth of stock.
Limoneira Company is engaged in agribusiness and real estate development. The company has market cap of $301.12 million. The Company’s activities consist of fruit production, sales and marketing, rental operations, real estate development and capital investment activities. It has a 34.62 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include lemon operations, other agribusiness, rental activities and real estate development.
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