Concert Wealth Management Inc increased Kansas City Southern (KSU) stake by 223.3% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Concert Wealth Management Inc acquired 4,859 shares as Kansas City Southern (KSU)’s stock declined 8.15%. The Concert Wealth Management Inc holds 7,035 shares with $596,000 value, up from 2,176 last quarter. Kansas City Southern now has $9.51 billion valuation. The stock rose 0.08% or $0.07 reaching $89.65 per share. About 315,707 shares traded. Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) has declined 4.87% since September 12, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 13.36% the S&P500.
Analysts expect BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ADR) (NASDAQ:BVXV) to report $-0.01 EPS on April, 26.They anticipate $0.24 EPS change or 96.00% from last quarter’s $-0.25 EPS. After having $-0.18 EPS previously, BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ADR)’s analysts see -94.44% EPS growth. About 5,624 shares traded. BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ADR) (NASDAQ:BVXV) has risen 71.58% since September 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 63.10% the S&P500.
Since December 7, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 2 selling transactions for $200,813 activity. Zozaya Delano Jose Guillermo also sold $85,412 worth of Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) on Tuesday, January 31. ERDMAN WARREN K had sold 1,340 shares worth $115,401 on Wednesday, December 7.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.03 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.01, from 1.04 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 62 investors sold KSU shares while 153 reduced holdings. 70 funds opened positions while 152 raised stakes. 90.21 million shares or 1.70% less from 91.77 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Federated Pa invested in 0.01% or 37,408 shares. 221,400 are owned by California Employees Retirement System. Gulf Int National Bank & Trust (Uk) Limited invested 0.04% of its portfolio in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU). British Columbia holds 0.03% in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) or 46,304 shares. Henderson Grp Public Limited Company has 17,198 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Comml Bank Of Nova Scotia holds 0% of its portfolio in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) for 2,375 shares. Ellington Mgmt Group Incorporated Lc reported 0.1% in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU). Country Club Tru Comm Na holds 0.04% or 3,100 shares in its portfolio. Price T Rowe Associate Md reported 5.28M shares or 0.09% of all its holdings. Cobblestone Limited Liability Co New York holds 0.38% in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) or 32,262 shares. Trilogy Global Advsr Limited Partnership invested in 1.21% or 424,812 shares. Nomura Holdg Inc owns 14,053 shares. New England Rech & Mngmt has invested 0.19% in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU). Whittier Trust Company has 0% invested in Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) for 557 shares. 6,526 were reported by Norinchukin Bancorp The.
Among 21 analysts covering Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU), 11 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 8 Hold. Therefore 52% are positive. Kansas City Southern had 46 analyst reports since August 20, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Underweight” rating on Monday, October 5 by Barclays Capital. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets on Wednesday, September 2 with “Outperform”. Cowen & Co maintained it with “Market Perform” rating and $76 target in Monday, January 25 report. The stock of Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, November 3 by Topeka Capital Markets. The firm earned “Underweight” rating on Wednesday, July 20 by Barclays Capital. The rating was maintained by Cowen & Co with “Market Perform” on Monday, October 5. The firm has “Buy” rating by UBS given on Monday, January 25. The stock has “Buy” rating by Citigroup on Tuesday, September 13. RBC Capital Markets maintained Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU) rating on Wednesday, July 20. RBC Capital Markets has “Outperform” rating and $114 target. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Oppenheimer given on Thursday, June 16.
Concert Wealth Management Inc decreased Procter And Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) stake by 25,649 shares to 28,659 valued at $2.41M in 2016Q4. It also reduced Ishares Tr (SCZ) stake by 15,325 shares and now owns 6,601 shares. Cigna Corporation (NYSE:CI) was reduced too.
BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd is an Israel biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $28.08 million. The Firm holds a worldwide exclusive license granted by Yeda Research and Development Ltd., the commercial arm of the Weizmann Institute, Israel, for developing, manufacturing and commercializing the flu vaccine. It currently has negative earnings. BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd develops a biopharmaceutical universal flu vaccine, designed to provide multi-season and multi-strain protection against some human influenza virus strains, including both seasonal and pandemic flu strains.