August 25, 2017 - By Richard Conner
The stock of BHP Billiton plc (ADR) (NYSE:BBL) hit a new 52-week high and has $40.32 target or 8.00% above today’s $37.33 share price. The 8 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the $108.56B company. The 1-year high was reported on Aug, 25 by If the $40.32 price target is reached, the company will be worth $8.68B more. About 830,711 shares traded. BHP Billiton plc (ADR) (NYSE:BBL) has risen 31.15% since August 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 14.45% the S&P500.
Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc decreased Unisys Corp (UIS) stake by 25.81% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc sold 172,090 shares as Unisys Corp (UIS)’s stock declined 12.96%. The Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc holds 494,663 shares with $7.40 million value, down from 666,753 last quarter. Unisys Corp now has $408.81M valuation. The stock rose 2.53% or $0.2 reaching $8.1. About 191,025 shares traded. Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS) has risen 62.29% since August 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 45.59% the S&P500.
Since June 2, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 1 insider sale for $131,413 activity. DAVIS ALISON had sold 10,639 shares worth $131,413.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.1 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.05, from 1.15 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 17 investors sold UIS shares while 54 reduced holdings. 37 funds opened positions while 41 raised stakes. 53.52 million shares or 7.22% more from 49.91 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Pdt Prtnrs Ltd holds 0.11% of its portfolio in Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS) for 109,089 shares. Gsa Capital Ptnrs Llp owns 36,769 shares for 0.03% of their portfolio. Millennium Mgmt stated it has 436,696 shares. Diligent reported 0.21% of its portfolio in Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS). Envestnet Asset Inc accumulated 355 shares or 0% of the stock. Us National Bank De invested 0% in Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS). Walleye Trading Limited Liability Corp invested in 52,451 shares or 0.01% of the stock. Gargoyle Inv Advisor Limited Liability Corporation has invested 0.07% in Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS). Kanaly Tru reported 303 shares. Alliancebernstein LP accumulated 0.02% or 1.73 million shares. 342,001 are held by Geode Mngmt Ltd Liability. Citigroup Inc, a New York-based fund reported 79,284 shares. Peak6 Lp stated it has 0% of its portfolio in Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS). Raymond James Advsr reported 0% of its portfolio in Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS). Tiaa Cref Mngmt Ltd Liability Company, a New York-based fund reported 344,023 shares.
Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc increased Emergent Biosolutions Inc (NYSE:EBS) stake by 37,540 shares to 105,553 valued at $3.47 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Rent A Ctr Inc New (NASDAQ:RCII) stake by 71,800 shares and now owns 168,200 shares. Aar Corp (NYSE:AIR) was raised too.
Among 5 analysts covering Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 80% are positive. Unisys Corporation had 5 analyst reports since December 22, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Suntrust Robinson initiated the shares of UIS in report on Wednesday, June 22 with “Buy” rating. The company was initiated on Tuesday, March 29 by Sidoti. The rating was initiated by Loop Capital on Tuesday, January 10 with “Hold”.
Among 2 analysts covering BHP Billiton (NYSE:BBL), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. BHP Billiton had 6 analyst reports since August 23, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, April 12 by Citigroup. Jefferies downgraded BHP Billiton plc (ADR) (NYSE:BBL) rating on Thursday, June 8. Jefferies has “Hold” rating and $3200 target. Jefferies maintained the stock with “Hold” rating in Thursday, August 17 report. As per Tuesday, August 23, the company rating was upgraded by Jefferies. Jefferies maintained the stock with “Hold” rating in Monday, July 10 report. The stock of BHP Billiton plc (ADR) (NYSE:BBL) earned “Buy” rating by Jefferies on Wednesday, August 23.
BHP Billiton Plc is a global resources company. The company has market cap of $108.56 billion. The Firm is a producer of various commodities, including iron ore, metallurgical coal, copper and uranium. It has a 16.91 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include Petroleum, Copper, Iron Ore and Coal.
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