Benefitfocus (BNFT) Upgraded By William Blair from “Market Perform”, Profile of 0 Analysts Covering Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (CBSH)

June 1, 2017 - By Stephen Andrade

Among 10 analysts covering Benefitfocus (NASDAQ:BNFT), 7 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 70% are positive. Benefitfocus has $65 highest and $6 lowest target. $38’s average target is 19.50% above currents $31.8 stock price. Benefitfocus had 15 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Thursday, March 10 the stock rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with “Buy”. Jefferies maintained Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) rating on Friday, August 12. Jefferies has “Buy” rating and $50 target. The rating was upgraded by Zacks to “Buy” on Thursday, September 3. The stock of Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, August 4 by Canaccord Genuity. The stock has “Outperform” rating by Raymond James on Friday, November 4. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, February 7 by Berenberg. The stock of Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, February 24 by Jefferies. RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock with “Hold” rating in Monday, May 29 report. The stock of Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) has “Sector Perform” rating given on Tuesday, July 28 by RBC Capital Markets. Deutsche Bank maintained Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) rating on Thursday, August 4. Deutsche Bank has “Buy” rating and $65 target.

Among 4 analysts covering Commerce Bancshares (NASDAQ:CBSH), 0 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Commerce Bancshares had 9 analyst reports since October 15, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Wells Fargo initiated Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) on Friday, January 6 with “Market Perform” rating. The rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley on Tuesday, September 20 to “Underweight”. The stock of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, July 11 by Piper Jaffray. The stock of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) earned “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Thursday, October 15. See Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) latest ratings:

06/01/2017 Broker: Wells Fargo Rating: Market Perform Initiate

The stock decreased 0.65% or $0.35 during the last trading session, reaching $53.53. About shares traded. Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) has risen 19.51% since June 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.81% the S&P500.

Commerce Bancshares, Inc. is a bank holding firm of Commerce Bank . The company has market cap of $5.40 billion. The Bank is engaged in general banking business, providing a range of retail, mortgage banking, corporate, investment, trust and asset management services and products to individuals and businesses. It has a 20.01 P/E ratio. The Firm operates through three divisions: Consumer, Commercial and Wealth.

Investors sentiment increased to 2.64 in 2016 Q4. Its up 1.61, from 1.03 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 13 investors sold Commerce Bancshares, Inc. shares while 63 reduced holdings. 39 funds opened positions while 162 raised stakes. 59.84 million shares or 2.34% more from 58.47 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Balyasny Asset Mngmt Lc holds 0.09% of its portfolio in Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) for 296,232 shares. Massmutual Tru Company Fsb Adv reported 1,862 shares stake. Citadel Advsrs Limited Liability Co accumulated 56,033 shares or 0% of the stock. Ww Asset Mngmt has invested 0.01% in Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH). Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) reported 3,075 shares stake. Vaughan David Investments Il holds 384,586 shares. Martingale Asset Mgmt Limited Partnership reported 395,393 shares. Blackrock Institutional Tru Communication Na holds 0.02% or 2.74M shares in its portfolio. Wells Fargo & Mn reported 0.02% of its portfolio in Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH). Umb National Bank & Trust N A Mo has invested 0.38% of its portfolio in Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH). Citigroup holds 55,912 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Mason Street Advsr Ltd invested in 40,709 shares. Lau Ltd Limited Liability Company invested in 0.28% or 4,723 shares. M&T Natl Bank Corporation holds 0% or 7,192 shares. Ny State Teachers Retirement Sys has 0.03% invested in Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) for 174,700 shares.

Since December 16, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 22 insider sales for $7.95 million activity. The insider KEMPER DAVID W sold $493,105. The insider KIM CHARLES G sold 9,106 shares worth $520,759. Kellerhals Patricia R also sold $15,637 worth of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) on Thursday, February 16. $18,421 worth of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBSH) was sold by ABERDEEN JEFFERY D. Kemper John W had sold 2,400 shares worth $139,564. On Monday, January 30 the insider PETRIE MICHAEL J sold $55,466. The insider BARTH KEVIN G sold $464,581.

The stock decreased 0.63% or $0.2 during the last trading session, reaching $31.8. About shares traded. Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) has declined 9.60% since June 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 26.30% the S&P500.

Benefitfocus, Inc. is a well-known provider of cloud benefits management platform for consumers, employers, insurance carriers and brokers. The company has market cap of $958.69 million. The Benefitfocus Platform allows how organizations and individuals shop for, enroll in, manage and exchange benefits. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm operates through two business divisions: Employer, which derives its revenue from clients that use the Company’s services for the provision of benefits to their employees, and administrators acting on behalf of employers, Carrier, which derives its revenue from insurance companies that provide coverage at their own risk.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.02 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.60, from 1.62 in 2016Q3. It turned negative, as 21 investors sold Benefitfocus Inc shares while 26 reduced holdings. 18 funds opened positions while 30 raised stakes. 23.05 million shares or 1.33% more from 22.74 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Invesco Limited invested in 0% or 16,473 shares. Price T Rowe Associates Md has invested 0% in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT). Susquehanna Group Inc Ltd Liability Partnership holds 0% in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) or 11,784 shares. 2.48M are owned by Fmr Ltd Llc. Wellington Grp Llp reported 525,048 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Moreover, Highbridge Limited has 0.01% invested in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) for 11,695 shares. 157,032 are held by Northern Trust Corporation. Gofen Glossberg Limited Liability Co Il reported 17,700 shares. Schwab Charles Invest Mngmt holds 57,452 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Rhumbline Advisers invested in 13,455 shares. California State Teachers Retirement invested in 0% or 26,598 shares. Blackrock Mgmt Ltd Liability holds 0% in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) or 47,625 shares. The New York-based Amer Grp Inc has invested 0% in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT). Moreover, Westpac Bk has 0% invested in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT). Pacad Inv Limited invested 0.02% in Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT).

Analysts await Benefitfocus Inc (NASDAQ:BNFT) to report earnings on August, 2. They expect $-0.29 EPS, up 21.62% or $0.08 from last year’s $-0.37 per share. After $-0.25 actual EPS reported by Benefitfocus Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 16.00% negative EPS growth.

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