Bbt Capital Management Has Cut Its Hess (HES) Holding; Synalloy Has 2.29 Sentiment

May 25, 2017 - By Henry Gaston

Synalloy Corporation is a chemical manufacturing company. The company has market cap of $106.34 million. The Firm operates through two divisions: the Metals Segment and the Specialty Chemicals Segment. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s Metals Segment comprises three subsidiaries: Synalloy Metals, Inc., which owns Bristol Metals, LLC , located in Bristol, Tennessee; Palmer of Texas Tanks, Inc. (Palmer), located in Andrews, Texas; and Specialty Pipe & Tube, Inc. (Specialty), located in Mineral Ridge, Ohio and Houston, Texas.

Bbt Capital Management Llc decreased Hess Corp (HES) stake by 33.33% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Bbt Capital Management Llc sold 10,000 shares as Hess Corp (HES)’s stock declined 5.45%. The Bbt Capital Management Llc holds 20,000 shares with $1.25 million value, down from 30,000 last quarter. Hess Corp now has $15.75B valuation. It closed at $49.55 lastly. It is down 14.55% since May 25, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 31.25% the S&P500.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 4 buys, and 0 selling transactions for $1.58 million activity.

Van Den Berg Management I Inc holds 0.83% of its portfolio in Synalloy Corporation for 634,968 shares. Minerva Advisors Llc owns 84,755 shares or 0.52% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Morgan Dempsey Capital Management Llc has 0.38% invested in the company for 121,422 shares. The California-based First Wilshire Securities Management Inc has invested 0.21% in the stock. Farr Miller & Washington Llc Dc, a -based fund reported 105,495 shares.

It closed at $12.05 lastly. It is down 59.68% since May 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 42.98% the S&P500.

Bbt Capital Management Llc increased Lyon William Homes (NYSE:WLH) stake by 138,619 shares to 566,619 valued at $10.78 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Gaming & Leisure Pptys Inc (NASDAQ:GLPI) stake by 72,642 shares and now owns 453,845 shares. Dell Technologies Inc was raised too.

Analysts await Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) to report earnings on July, 26. They expect $-0.99 earnings per share, up 10.81% or $0.12 from last year’s $-1.11 per share. After $-1.07 actual earnings per share reported by Hess Corp. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -7.48% EPS growth.

Among 17 analysts covering Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES), 9 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 8 Hold. Therefore 53% are positive. Hess Corp. had 30 analyst reports since July 22, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) earned “Neutral” rating by JP Morgan on Wednesday, December 9. On Monday, September 12 the stock rating was initiated by KLR Group with “Accumulate”. Atlantic Securities upgraded Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) rating on Tuesday, March 22. Atlantic Securities has “Overweight” rating and $63 target. The rating was initiated by Credit Agricole with “Buy” on Tuesday, December 15. The rating was upgraded by Wells Fargo on Friday, May 5 to “Outperform”. The stock of Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) has “Equal-Weight” rating given on Tuesday, January 12 by Morgan Stanley. The stock of Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) has “Buy” rating given on Saturday, August 8 by Zacks. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, April 27 by Capital One. Citigroup maintained Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) on Thursday, April 7 with “Neutral” rating. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, January 25 by JP Morgan.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.83 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.15, from 0.98 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 50 investors sold HES shares while 203 reduced holdings. 57 funds opened positions while 154 raised stakes. 245.22 million shares or 2.10% more from 240.17 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. 336 were accumulated by Korea Inv Corporation. Petrus Lta stated it has 6,489 shares. Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Mgmt Limited invested in 0.03% or 21,234 shares. Pnc Financial Serv Group Incorporated holds 0% or 46,761 shares. Bankshares Of Nova Scotia holds 0% in Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) or 5,968 shares. Next Financial Grp holds 0% of its portfolio in Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) for 5,033 shares. Da Davidson & invested in 0% or 1,391 shares. Raymond James Financial Advsr reported 20,941 shares. Fjarde Ap stated it has 0.11% in Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES). Hightower Advsr Llc has 9,507 shares. New Century Limited Liability Corporation holds 37,500 shares or 3.08% of its portfolio. 15,803 were reported by Amalgamated National Bank & Trust. Amp has 182,105 shares. Huntington Bank holds 244 shares. Lowe Brockenbrough & Company has invested 0.77% in Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES).

Since February 2, 2017, it had 11 buys, and 12 sales for $5.61 million activity. 484 shares valued at $25,028 were bought by SCHRADER WILLIAM G. on Tuesday, February 28. $25,028 worth of Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) shares were bought by Meyers Kevin Omar. HESS JOHN B also sold $2.35M worth of Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) on Thursday, February 2. Another trade for 484 shares valued at $25,028 was bought by LAVIZZO-MOUREY RISA J. Hill Gregory P. sold $289,238 worth of stock. On Tuesday, February 28 MCMANUS DAVID bought $25,028 worth of Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) or 484 shares. 484 shares were bought by HOLIDAY EDITH E, worth $25,028 on Tuesday, February 28.

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