Baring Asset Management LTD Decreased Cosan LTD (CZZ) Holding; Primeenergy (PNRG) Shorts Increased By 250%

July 21, 2017 - By Dolores Ford

Baring Asset Management Ltd decreased Cosan Ltd (CZZ) stake by 48.42% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Baring Asset Management Ltd sold 419,000 shares as Cosan Ltd (CZZ)’s stock declined 18.27%. The Baring Asset Management Ltd holds 446,400 shares with $3.35 million value, down from 865,400 last quarter. Cosan Ltd now has $1.95B valuation. It closed at $7.17 lastly. It is down 35.16% since July 21, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 18.46% the S&P500.

Primeenergy Corporation (NASDAQ:PNRG) had an increase of 250% in short interest. PNRG’s SI was 1,400 shares in July as released by FINRA. Its up 250% from 400 shares previously. With 900 avg volume, 2 days are for Primeenergy Corporation (NASDAQ:PNRG)’s short sellers to cover PNRG’s short positions. The SI to Primeenergy Corporation’s float is 0.23%. The stock decreased 1.68% or $0.8 on July 19, reaching $46.7. About shares traded. PrimeEnergy Corporation (NASDAQ:PNRG) has declined 4.10% since July 21, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 20.80% the S&P500.

Baring Asset Management Ltd increased Ishares Core S&P 500 Etf (IVV) stake by 41,843 shares to 296,351 valued at $66.90 million in 2016Q4. It also upped New Oriental Educ (NYSE:EDU) stake by 196,870 shares and now owns 204,120 shares. Mastercard Incorp (NYSE:MA) was raised too.

Among 2 analysts covering Cosan Limited (NYSE:CZZ), 0 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Cosan Limited had 3 analyst reports since August 25, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Bank of America given on Monday, September 28. The firm earned “Sell” rating on Tuesday, August 25 by Zacks. The stock of Cosan Ltd (USA) (NYSE:CZZ) has “Hold” rating given on Friday, October 7 by Standpoint Research.

PrimeEnergy Corporation is an independent oil and natural gas company. The company has market cap of $105.48 million. The Firm is engaged in acquiring, developing and producing oil and natural gas. It has a 5.27 P/E ratio. It owns producing and non-producing properties located in Texas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado and Louisiana.

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