The stock of Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR) (NYSE:BSBR) gapped down by $0.03 today and has $7.30 target or 8.00% below today’s $7.93 share price. The 5 months technical chart setup indicates high risk for the $28.96B company. The gap down was reported on Apr, 6 by If the $7.30 price target is reached, the company will be worth $2.32B less. About 41.09 million shares traded or 1590.95% up from the average. Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR) (NYSE:BSBR) has risen 19.09% since August 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 10.96% the S&P500.
Among 22 analysts covering Prudential PLC (LON:PRU), 17 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 77% are positive. Prudential PLC had 186 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Conviction Buy” rating given on Friday, October 9 by Goldman Sachs. Deutsche Bank maintained Prudential plc (LON:PRU) on Thursday, September 10 with “Buy” rating. The rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank on Wednesday, June 29 with “Hold”. The rating was maintained by JP Morgan with “Underweight” on Wednesday, March 15. JP Morgan maintained Prudential plc (LON:PRU) rating on Tuesday, March 22. JP Morgan has “Neutral” rating and GBX 1372 target. As per Thursday, August 13, the company rating was maintained by Berenberg. As per Wednesday, September 7, the company rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity. The firm earned “Overweight” rating on Friday, September 4 by Barclays Capital. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, November 10 by Shore Capital. Barclays Capital maintained the shares of PRU in report on Tuesday, October 20 with “Overweight” rating. See Prudential plc (LON:PRU) latest ratings:
04/04/2017 Broker: Goldman Sachs Rating: Conviction Buy Maintain
27/03/2017 Broker: Barclays Capital Rating: Overweight New Target: GBX 1921.00 Maintain
21/03/2017 Broker: Macquarie Research Rating: Outperform New Target: GBX 1877.00 Maintain
21/03/2017 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Neutral Old Target: GBX 1705.00 New Target: GBX 1705.00 Maintain
20/03/2017 Broker: Panmure Gordon Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1850.00 New Target: GBX 2061.00 Maintain
20/03/2017 Broker: BNP Paribas Rating: Outperform Old Target: GBX 1880.00 New Target: GBX 1880.00 Maintain
20/03/2017 Broker: Deutsche Bank Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1775.00 New Target: GBX 2000.00 Maintain
17/03/2017 Broker: Canaccord Genuity Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1700.00 New Target: GBX 1900.00 Reiteration
17/03/2017 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Sector Performer Old Target: GBX 1500.00 New Target: GBX 1600.00 Maintain
17/03/2017 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Neutral Old Target: GBX 1450.00 New Target: GBX 1705.00 Upgrade
Prudential Public Limited Company is an international financial services company. The company has market cap of 43.29 billion GBP. The Firm has activities in Asia, the United States and the United Kingdom. It has a 22.34 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include Insurance operations, including Asia, the United States ) and the United Kingdom, and Asset management operations, including Eastspring Investments, the United States broker-dealer and asset management, M&G and Prudential Capital.
The stock decreased 0.19% or GBX 3.27 on April 6, reaching GBX 1674.23. About 5.40 million shares traded. Prudential plc (LON:PRU) has risen 19.85% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 11.72% the S&P500.
Since October 10, 2016, it had 3 insider buys, and 18 insider sales for $60.19 million activity. 14,695 shares valued at $1.32 million were sold by FALZON ROBERT on Wednesday, November 9. $55,365 worth of stock was bought by Paz George on Thursday, February 23. Sleyster Scott had sold 9,379 shares worth $797,731 on Friday, October 14. Another trade for 1,474 shares valued at $140,030 was made by Axel Robert on Thursday, November 10. 20,952 shares valued at $1.94M were sold by TAYLOR SHARON C on Wednesday, November 9. Another trade for 22,368 shares valued at $2.24 million was made by Koster Barbara on Monday, November 14. Harris Timothy P sold $674,135 worth of stock or 6,087 shares.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.17 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.32, from 0.85 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 40 investors sold Prudential plc shares while 258 reduced holdings. 104 funds opened positions while 244 raised stakes. 258.13 million shares or 1.92% more from 253.26 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Charter Trust holds 0.06% of its portfolio in Prudential plc (LON:PRU) for 5,310 shares. Berkshire Asset Management Ltd Liability Pa holds 0.03% in Prudential plc (LON:PRU) or 2,410 shares. Guggenheim Limited Com invested 0.19% in Prudential plc (LON:PRU). Blackrock Institutional Na has invested 0.19% in Prudential plc (LON:PRU). Seaward Management Ltd Partnership accumulated 42,946 shares. Cadence Mgmt Lc owns 78,351 shares for 0.57% of their portfolio. New Mexico Educational Retirement Board holds 46,731 shares or 0.23% of its portfolio. South Dakota Inv Council accumulated 0.11% or 51,500 shares. Dnb Asset Mgmt As holds 0% or 80,150 shares in its portfolio. First Manhattan Company holds 0% or 490 shares. Boston Private Wealth holds 23,136 shares. 5.49M were accumulated by Jpmorgan Chase And. Fifth Third Bank reported 20,077 shares. Delta Lloyd Nv invested 0.12% in Prudential plc (LON:PRU). Altfest L J And holds 2,668 shares or 0.14% of its portfolio.