October 20, 2017 - By Peter Erickson
LendingClub Corporation provides online marketplace to connect borrowers and investors. The company has market cap of $2.46 billion. Consumers and small business owners borrow through Lending Club. It currently has negative earnings. Investors use Lending Club to earn risk-adjusted returns from an asset class that has been closed to many investors and only available on a limited basis to large institutional investors.
Analysts expect Banco de Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BCH) to report $1.38 EPS on October, 27.They anticipate $0.06 EPS change or 4.55% from last quarter’s $1.32 EPS. BCH’s profit would be $227.70M giving it 16.82 P/E if the $1.38 EPS is correct. After having $1.48 EPS previously, Banco de Chile (ADR)’s analysts see -6.76% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.91% or $0.85 during the last trading session, reaching $92.85. About shares traded. Banco de Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BCH) has risen 26.52% since October 20, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 9.82% the S&P500.
Ratings analysis reveals 0 of Lending Club’s analysts are positive. Out of 2 Wall Street analysts rating Lending Club, 0 give it “Buy”, 1 “Sell” rating, while 1 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $3.75 while the high is $6.5. The stock’s average target of $5.13 is -14.21% below today’s ($5.98) share price. LC was included in 2 notes of analysts from October 11, 2016. FBR Capital maintained it with “Mkt Perform” rating and $6.5 target in Friday, October 14 report. The stock of LendingClub Corp (NYSE:LC) earned “Underperform” rating by Wedbush on Tuesday, October 11.
Analysts await LendingClub Corp (NYSE:LC) to report earnings on November, 6. They expect $-0.02 earnings per share, up 75.00% or $0.06 from last year’s $-0.08 per share. After $-0.06 actual earnings per share reported by LendingClub Corp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -66.67% EPS growth.
Norwest Venture Partners X L P holds 52.79% of its portfolio in LendingClub Corp for 12.82 million shares. Shanda Asset Management Holdings Ltd owns 57.74 million shares or 49.56% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Foundation Capital Llc has 31.57% invested in the company for 21.85 million shares. The California-based Kpcb Dgf Associates Llc has invested 9.1% in the stock. Harbourvest Partners Llc, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 1.90 million shares.
The stock decreased 1.97% or $0.12 during the last trading session, reaching $5.98. About shares traded. LendingClub Corp (LC) has risen 52.97% since October 20, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 36.27% the S&P500.
Among 6 analysts covering Banco de Chile (NYSE:BCH), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 33% are positive. Banco de Chile had 11 analyst reports since August 11, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Overweight” rating on Thursday, April 7 by Barclays Capital. Standpoint Research upgraded it to “Hold” rating and $75.0 target in Wednesday, August 26 report. Scotia Capital upgraded the stock to “Outperform” rating in Friday, July 15 report. Standpoint Research downgraded the shares of BCH in report on Monday, August 15 to “Hold” rating. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Wednesday, September 6 by J.P. Morgan. The stock has “Neutral” rating by JP Morgan on Friday, May 6. The rating was upgraded by Zacks on Tuesday, August 11 to “Hold”. JP Morgan upgraded the stock to “Overweight” rating in Tuesday, December 13 report. The rating was downgraded by JP Morgan to “Neutral” on Wednesday, September 6.
Banco de Chile is a full service financial institution, which is engaged in providing credit and non-credit services and products in Chile. The company has market cap of $15.32 billion. The Bank offers a range of banking services to its customers, ranging from individuals to firms. It has a 16.99 P/E ratio.
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