Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors Has Decreased Phillips 66 Com (PSX) Position By $4.05 Million, Shorts at Almaden Minerals Limited (NYSEMKT:AAU) Raised By 0.6%

July 11, 2017 - By Vivian Currie

Almaden Minerals Limited (NYSEMKT:AAU) had an increase of 0.6% in short interest. AAU’s SI was 2.23 million shares in July as released by FINRA. Its up 0.6% from 2.22 million shares previously. With 210,200 avg volume, 11 days are for Almaden Minerals Limited (NYSEMKT:AAU)’s short sellers to cover AAU’s short positions. The SI to Almaden Minerals Limited’s float is 2.84%. The stock increased 2.63% or $0.03 on July 10, reaching $1.17. About shares traded. Almaden Minerals Ltd. (USA) (NYSEMKT:AAU) has risen 17.27% since July 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.57% the S&P500.

Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors Inc decreased Phillips 66 Com (PSX) stake by 90.01% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors Inc sold 47,096 shares as Phillips 66 Com (PSX)’s stock declined 0.52%. The Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors Inc holds 5,225 shares with $451,000 value, down from 52,321 last quarter. Phillips 66 Com now has $42.93B valuation. The stock decreased 0.17% or $0.14 during the last trading session, reaching $82.46. About shares traded. Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) has risen 0.77% since July 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 15.93% the S&P500.

Almaden Minerals Ltd. is exploration- and development-stage firm and is engaged in the exploration and development of exploration and evaluation properties in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The company has market cap of $102.62 million. The Firm is engaged in the business of the acquisition of mineral properties. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s principal property interest includes the Tuligtic Property/Project-Mexico.

Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors Inc increased Spdr Tr S&P 500 Etf Tr (SPY) stake by 2,901 shares to 5,461 valued at $1.22M in 2016Q4. It also upped Schwab Sch Us Reit Etf (SCHH) stake by 21,406 shares and now owns 85,618 shares. Guggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weight Etf (RSP) was raised too.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.93 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.06, from 0.99 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 59 investors sold PSX shares while 382 reduced holdings. 93 funds opened positions while 316 raised stakes. 353.99 million shares or 0.70% more from 351.52 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Natl Bank has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX). Corsair Capital Limited Partnership holds 0.14% or 9,337 shares in its portfolio. Cullinan reported 0.56% stake. Next Fincl Gru Inc holds 13,446 shares. Moreover, Koshinski Asset Mgmt has 0% invested in Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) for 2,339 shares. Ghp Investment invested 0.16% in Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX). Jarislowsky Fraser has 2,582 shares. Bangor Bank & Trust holds 24,707 shares. Buckingham Asset Mgmt Limited Liability Corp has invested 0.1% in Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX). Summit Asset Mgmt Ltd Liability invested 0.22% of its portfolio in Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX). Alyeska Investment Gru Lp owns 211,119 shares. Boyer & Corporon Wealth Mngmt Limited Liability Co reported 41,702 shares. State Teachers Retirement Systems stated it has 0.18% in Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX). Regentatlantic Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 0.75% or 89,218 shares. Atlas Browninc reported 4,500 shares.

Analysts await Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) to report earnings on August, 4. They expect $1.12 EPS, up 19.15% or $0.18 from last year’s $0.94 per share. PSX’s profit will be $583.09 million for 18.41 P/E if the $1.12 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.56 actual EPS reported by Phillips 66 for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 100.00% EPS growth.

Among 18 analysts covering Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 15 Hold. Therefore 17% are positive. Phillips 66 has $114 highest and $63 lowest target. $85.13’s average target is 3.24% above currents $82.46 stock price. Phillips 66 had 36 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Friday, July 8 the stock rating was downgraded by Wells Fargo to “Market Perform”. The rating was downgraded by Howard Weil on Monday, July 11 to “Sector Perform”. Oppenheimer maintained Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) on Friday, December 4 with “Outperform” rating. Jefferies initiated Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) on Tuesday, August 23 with “Hold” rating. The stock of Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) earned “Buy” rating by Mizuho on Monday, February 6. The rating was initiated by UBS on Thursday, May 19 with “Neutral”. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, April 11 by Credit Suisse. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Credit Suisse given on Tuesday, January 26. The rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley on Friday, June 17 to “Equal-Weight”. Oppenheimer maintained Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) on Friday, September 18 with “Outperform” rating.

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