The KEYW Holding Corporation is a well-known provider of cybersecurity, cyber superiority and geospatial intelligence solutions to the United States Government defense, intelligence and national security agencies, and commercial enterprises. The company has market cap of $512.46 million. The Firm operates through two divisions: Government Solutions and Commercial Cyber Solutions. It has a 222.64 P/E ratio. KEYW’s capabilities include solutions, services and products to support the collection, processing, analysis, use of intelligence data and information in the domains of cyberspace and geospace, and the protection of networks and related infrastructure.
The stock of Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN) is a huge mover today! About 55,216 shares traded or 44.30% up from the average. Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN) has risen 9.09% since August 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.29% the S&P500.The move comes after 7 months positive chart setup for the $86.96 million company. It was reported on Mar, 20 by We have $6.44 PT which if reached, will make NYSEMKT:BTN worth $2.61 million more.
Ballantyne Strong, Inc. is a holding company. The company has market cap of $86.96 million. The Company’s business activities focus on serving the cinema, retail, financial and government markets. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm and its subsidiaries design, integrate and install technology solutions for a range of applications; develop and deliver out-of-home messaging, advertising and communications; manufacture projection screens, and provide managed services, including monitoring of networked equipment to its customers.
Since November 11, 2016, it had 4 insider purchases, and 0 insider sales for $107,825 activity. Roschman Robert J bought $1,243 worth of stock or 175 shares. $99,878 worth of Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN) was bought by Cerminara Kyle. Schilling Stephen L. bought $1,544 worth of stock or 200 shares.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.79 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.63, from 1.42 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 4 investors sold Ballantyne Strong Inc shares while 10 reduced holdings. 1 funds opened positions while 10 raised stakes. 6.18 million shares or 2.41% less from 6.33 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Nationwide Fund Advsrs owns 3,325 shares. Blackrock Investment Mgmt Limited Liability Company accumulated 2,025 shares or 0% of the stock. Connecticut-based Manatuck Hill Prtn Ltd Liability Company has invested 0.7% in Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN). Geode Mgmt Limited Liability Com has invested 0% in Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN). Sg Mgmt Limited Company holds 0.12% of its portfolio in Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN) for 87,226 shares. Moreover, Perritt Cap Management has 0.29% invested in Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN). Blackrock Institutional Tru Na invested 0% of its portfolio in Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN). Walleye Trading Ltd Liability Company has 1,069 shares. Vanguard Grp, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 444,643 shares. Moreover, Northern has 0% invested in Ballantyne Strong Inc (NYSEMKT:BTN) for 26,532 shares. State Of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D owns 500,000 shares for 0.02% of their portfolio. California Pub Employees Retirement Systems holds 78,538 shares or 0% of its portfolio. New York State Common Retirement Fund reported 222,872 shares stake. Acadian Asset Management Ltd Liability Corp reported 5,854 shares. Ariel Lc invested in 0.15% or 1.60M shares.
Ratings analysis reveals 33% of KEYW Holding’s analysts are positive. Out of 6 Wall Street analysts rating KEYW Holding, 2 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 4 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $6.50 while the high is $12. The stock’s average target of $9.50 is -6.03% below today’s ($10.11) share price. KEYW was included in 12 notes of analysts from August 11, 2015. The stock has “Hold” rating by Noble Financial on Wednesday, August 10. The company was maintained on Thursday, February 25 by Maxim Group. On Thursday, February 25 the stock rating was upgraded by Chardan Capital Markets to “Buy”. Maxim Group downgraded KEYW Holding Corp. (NASDAQ:KEYW) on Wednesday, July 13 to “Hold” rating. Chardan Capital Markets maintained the shares of KEYW in report on Tuesday, May 10 with “Buy” rating. The firm earned “Outperform” rating on Tuesday, August 11 by RBC Capital Markets. As per Tuesday, November 10, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets. The firm has “Outperform” rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Wednesday, February 15. The rating was maintained by Maxim Group on Friday, February 5 with “Buy”.
About 189,203 shares traded. KEYW Holding Corp. (NASDAQ:KEYW) has risen 5.89% since August 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 2.91% the S&P500.