Baker Ellis Asset Management Increased 3M Company (MMM) Position By $432,540, First Internet Bancorp Has 4.08 Sentiment

May 30, 2017 - By Dolores Ford

Baker Ellis Asset Management Llc increased 3M Company (MMM) stake by 77.44% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Baker Ellis Asset Management Llc acquired 2,430 shares as 3M Company (MMM)’s stock rose 7.02%. The Baker Ellis Asset Management Llc holds 5,568 shares with $994,000 value, up from 3,138 last quarter. 3M Company now has $120.53B valuation. The stock increased 0.57% or $1.13 on May 26, reaching $200.67. About shares traded. 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) has risen 18.59% since May 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.89% the S&P500.

First Internet Bancorp is a bank holding firm that conducts its business activities through its subsidiary, First Internet Bank of Indiana . The company has market cap of $171.86 million. The Firm offers a complement of services and products on a nationwide basis. It has a 12.09 P/E ratio. The Firm conducts its deposit activities primarily over the Internet.

Analysts await First Internet Bancorp (NASDAQ:INBK) to report earnings on July, 20. They expect $0.55 EPS, down 3.51% or $0.02 from last year’s $0.57 per share. INBK’s profit will be $3.57 million for 12.05 P/E if the $0.55 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.43 actual EPS reported by First Internet Bancorp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 27.91% EPS growth.

The stock decreased 0.19% or $0.05 on May 26, reaching $26.5. About shares traded. First Internet Bancorp (INBK) has risen 9.91% since May 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.79% the S&P500.

Signia Capital Management Llc holds 4.19% of its portfolio in First Internet Bancorp for 89,865 shares. Stieven Capital Advisors L.P. owns 505,600 shares or 3.19% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Perritt Capital Management Inc has 1.35% invested in the company for 173,470 shares. The Indiana-based Kessler Investment Group Llc has invested 0.8% in the stock. Fsi Group Llc, a Ohio-based fund reported 35,000 shares.

Baker Ellis Asset Management Llc decreased John Bean Technologies (NYSE:JBT) stake by 9,235 shares to 27,843 valued at $2.39 million in 2016Q4. It also reduced Marcus Corp (NYSE:MCS) stake by 13,305 shares and now owns 14,745 shares. Republic Services (NYSE:RSG) was reduced too.

Among 11 analysts covering 3M (NYSE:MMM), 5 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 45% are positive. 3M had 41 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. RBC Capital Markets maintained it with “Underperform” rating and $136 target in Wednesday, December 16 report. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets on Friday, October 23 with “Underperform”. As per Monday, October 24, the company rating was upgraded by Barclays Capital. On Wednesday, December 14 the stock rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with “Hold”. The rating was maintained by Credit Suisse on Friday, April 28 with “Buy”. The stock has “Buy” rating by UBS on Wednesday, December 16. The firm has “Buy” rating by Citigroup given on Thursday, January 21. Jefferies maintained 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) on Tuesday, April 12 with “Buy” rating. Bernstein maintained it with “Market Perform” rating and $170 target in Wednesday, March 30 report. Credit Suisse maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Tuesday, March 15 report.

Since December 7, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 16 insider sales for $31.69 million activity. Vale Michael G. sold $1.90M worth of 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) on Tuesday, February 14. 14,766 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) shares with value of $2.88 million were sold by McGrath Marlene Mary. 2,888 shares valued at $523,613 were sold by Gangestad Nicholas C on Monday, February 13. Another trade for 14,616 shares valued at $2.86M was sold by Bauman James L. 7,929 shares were sold by THULIN INGE G, worth $1.41M. $726,480 worth of 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) shares were sold by Roman Michael F. Hammes Eric D. sold $75,864 worth of stock or 436 shares.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.86 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.08, from 0.78 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 67 investors sold MMM shares while 592 reduced holdings. 100 funds opened positions while 464 raised stakes. 383.70 million shares or 2.52% more from 374.26 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Woodstock holds 45,409 shares or 1.64% of its portfolio. Rnc Cap Management Limited Company has invested 0.06% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Pettee Inc owns 6,560 shares or 1.12% of their US portfolio. Edgar Lomax Co Va invested in 1.12% or 97,818 shares. Investment House Limited Liability Corporation owns 25,910 shares or 0.7% of their US portfolio. Ray Gerald L & Limited reported 4,707 shares. Stonebridge Cap Advsr Limited Liability Company invested in 6,878 shares. Spark Investment Mgmt Limited Liability has 1,800 shares for 0.03% of their portfolio. Comm Fincl Bank accumulated 200,288 shares. Pioneer Management has 784,799 shares. Archford Capital Strategies Limited Co reported 6,397 shares. 1,835 are held by Hanseatic Mgmt Serv Incorporated. Heritage Investors Management holds 0.69% or 54,196 shares. Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Mngmt Limited Liability Corp stated it has 0.52% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). 1St Source Fincl Bank holds 40,176 shares.

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