Omnicom Group Inc. is a holding company. The company has market cap of $19.48 billion. The Firm provides advertising, marketing and corporate communications services. It has a 17.08 P/E ratio. The Company’s branded networks and agencies operate in all markets around the world and provide a range of services, which it groups into four disciplines: advertising, customer relationship management , public relations and specialty communications.
The stock of Axcelis Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:ACLS) gapped up by $0.65 today and has $22.84 target or 6.00% above today’s $21.55 share price. The 8 months technical chart setup indicates low risk for the $658.41 million company. The gap was reported on May, 5 by If the $22.84 price target is reached, the company will be worth $39.50 million more. About 1.11 million shares traded or 348.61% up from the average. Axcelis Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:ACLS) has risen 49.70% since September 28, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 39.65% the S&P500.
Coho Partners Ltd. holds 4.75% of its portfolio in Omnicom Group Inc. for 1.60 million shares. Jensen Investment Management Inc owns 3.15 million shares or 3.92% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Mcrae Capital Management Inc has 3.89% invested in the company for 103,505 shares. The Oklahoma-based Gibraltar Capital Management Inc. has invested 3.57% in the stock. Professional Advisory Services Inc, a Florida-based fund reported 153,206 shares.
Analysts await Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC) to report earnings on July, 13. They expect $1.39 EPS, up 2.21% or $0.03 from last year’s $1.36 per share. OMC’s profit will be $323.62M for 15.05 P/E if the $1.39 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.97 actual EPS reported by Omnicom Group Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 43.30% EPS growth.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 insider purchases, and 4 insider sales for $2.23 million activity.
About 1.03M shares traded. Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC) has declined 2.76% since September 28, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 12.80% the S&P500.
Ratings analysis reveals 30% of Omnicom’s analysts are positive. Out of 10 Wall Street analysts rating Omnicom, 3 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 7 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $69 while the high is $101. The stock’s average target of $88.75 is 6.06% above today’s ($83.68) share price. OMC was included in 16 notes of analysts from July 23, 2015. On Friday, April 21 the stock rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with “Hold”. The rating was upgraded by RBC Capital Markets on Wednesday, March 8 to “Outperform”. RBC Capital Markets maintained it with “Buy” rating and $101 target in Wednesday, April 12 report. The firm has “Equal-Weight” rating given on Wednesday, April 20 by Barclays Capital. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Thursday, September 15 by Credit Suisse. The stock has “Hold” rating by Pivotal Research on Monday, October 17. The rating was maintained by Telsey Advisory Group with “Market Perform” on Wednesday, July 20. The company was downgraded on Tuesday, August 25 by Zacks. The company was maintained on Monday, March 21 by JP Morgan. The stock of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC) has “Market Perform” rating given on Thursday, April 14 by Wells Fargo.
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. designs, makes and services ion implantation and other processing equipment used in the fabrication of semiconductor chips. The company has market cap of $658.41 million. The Firm also provides aftermarket lifecycle services and products, including used tools, spare parts, equipment upgrades, maintenance services and customer training. It has a 60.03 P/E ratio. The Firm offers a complete line of high energy, high current and medium current implanters for all application requirements.
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