Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) Reaches $18.02 52-Week High, Zweig-Dimenna Associates Increased Its Visa (V) Holding

Zweig-Dimenna Associates Llc increased Visa Inc (V) stake by 366.43% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Zweig-Dimenna Associates Llc acquired 320,629 shares as Visa Inc (V)’s stock declined 5.84%. The Zweig-Dimenna Associates Llc holds 408,129 shares with $31.84M value, up from 87,500 last quarter. Visa Inc now has $206.17 billion valuation. The stock declined 0.45% or $0.4 reaching $88.78 on the news. About 2.51M shares traded. Visa Inc (NYSE:V) has risen 10.37% since August 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.40% the S&P500.

The stock of Axcelis Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:ACLS) hit a new 52-week high and has $19.28 target or 7.00% above today’s $18.02 share price. The 5 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the $536.05 million company. The 1-year high was reported on Mar, 30 by If the $19.28 price target is reached, the company will be worth $37.52M more. About 264,248 shares traded or 53.71% up from the average. Axcelis Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:ACLS) has risen 40.34% since August 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 32.37% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.05 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.12, from 0.93 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 86 investors sold V shares while 540 reduced holdings. 132 funds opened positions while 525 raised stakes. 1.69 billion shares or 1.50% more from 1.66 billion shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Blue Finance Capital Inc accumulated 30,456 shares. Moreover, Permian Investment Prtn Ltd Partnership has 4.56% invested in Visa Inc (NYSE:V) for 386,706 shares. Palisades Hudson Asset Lp invested in 3,488 shares. The Minnesota-based Ameriprise Finance has invested 0.78% in Visa Inc (NYSE:V). Pension Ser owns 0.68% invested in Visa Inc (NYSE:V) for 1.28M shares. Appleton Prns Inc Ma owns 163,159 shares for 2.57% of their portfolio. Spirit Of America Mngmt Corp New York stated it has 0.17% of its portfolio in Visa Inc (NYSE:V). Brookstone Cap Mngmt has 0.08% invested in Visa Inc (NYSE:V) for 9,083 shares. Mogy Joel R Invest Counsel holds 196,611 shares. First Savings Bank Na invested in 1.18% or 77,171 shares. Raymond James Financial Services Advsrs holds 0.34% in Visa Inc (NYSE:V) or 517,955 shares. Alecta Pensionsforsakring Omsesidigt stated it has 2.99% of its portfolio in Visa Inc (NYSE:V). Endurance Wealth Mgmt reported 22,349 shares. Godsey & Gibb Associates has invested 2.46% of its portfolio in Visa Inc (NYSE:V). D E Shaw & owns 5.69 million shares.

Among 23 analysts covering Visa Inc. (NYSE:V), 18 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 78% are positive. Visa Inc. has $105 highest and $70 lowest target. $86.36’s average target is -2.73% below currents $88.78 stock price. Visa Inc. had 42 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Overweight” rating on Monday, June 6 by JP Morgan. On Friday, July 24 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Outperform”. The firm has “Buy” rating by Sterne Agee CRT given on Thursday, December 17. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Tuesday, December 8 by Keefe Bruyette & Woods. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Thursday, February 11 by Bank of America. Stifel Nicolaus maintained the shares of V in report on Friday, February 3 with “Buy” rating. Wells Fargo initiated Visa Inc (NYSE:V) on Thursday, October 22 with “Outperform” rating. S&P Research downgraded Visa Inc (NYSE:V) on Tuesday, July 28 to “Hold” rating. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, February 15 by Loop Capital. The company was maintained on Friday, July 24 by Topeka Capital Markets.

Zweig-Dimenna Associates Llc decreased Mgm Resorts International (NYSE:MGM) stake by 201,854 shares to 462,377 valued at $13.33 million in 2016Q4. It also reduced Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) stake by 382,732 shares and now owns 87,268 shares. Applied Matls Inc (NASDAQ:AMAT) was reduced too.

Since October 28, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 4 insider sales for $77.12 million activity. 125,372 shares were sold by Sheedy William M., worth $10.75M on Monday, February 6. 772,912 Visa Inc (NYSE:V) shares with value of $63.88 million were sold by SCHARF CHARLES W. HOFFMEISTER JAMES H had sold 11,139 shares worth $957,390 on Monday, February 6. MCINERNEY RYAN sold $1.53 million worth of stock or 18,500 shares.

Axcelis Technologies, Inc. designs, makes and services ion implantation and other processing equipment used in the fabrication of semiconductor chips. The company has market cap of $536.05 million. The Firm operates through the manufacture of capital equipment for the semiconductor manufacturing industry segment. It has a 50.21 P/E ratio. The Firm sells its equipment to semiconductor chip manufacturers across the world.

Analysts await Axcelis Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:ACLS) to report earnings on May, 1. They expect $0.22 earnings per share, up 175.00% or $0.14 from last year’s $0.08 per share. ACLS’s profit will be $6.54M for 20.48 P/E if the $0.22 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.13 actual earnings per share reported by Axcelis Technologies Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 69.23% EPS growth.