June 5, 2017 - By Dolores Ford
Rocket Fuel Incorporated (NASDAQ:FUEL) had an increase of 8.23% in short interest. FUEL’s SI was 6.19 million shares in June as released by FINRA. Its up 8.23% from 5.72 million shares previously. With 1.73 million avg volume, 4 days are for Rocket Fuel Incorporated (NASDAQ:FUEL)’s short sellers to cover FUEL’s short positions. The SI to Rocket Fuel Incorporated’s float is 20.89%. The stock increased 0.32% or $0.01 during the last trading session, reaching $3.11. About 344,544 shares traded. Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL) has risen 19.35% since June 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.65% the S&P500.
The stock of Auxilio, Inc. (NYSEMKT:AUXO) is a huge mover today! The stock increased 2.92% or $0.14 on June 5, reaching $4.93. About 68,922 shares traded. Auxilio, Inc. (NYSEMKT:AUXO) has risen 92.94% since June 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 76.24% the S&P500.The move comes after 6 months positive chart setup for the $49.33M company. It was reported on Jun, 5 by Barchart.com. We have $5.13 PT which if reached, will make NYSEMKT:AUXO worth $1.97 million more.
Auxilio, Inc. is engaged in the business of providing outsourced print management services and cyber security professional services to the healthcare industry, and also to financial institutions, gaming and other industries. The company has market cap of $49.33 million. The Firm also provides information technology security consulting services. It has a 7.89 P/E ratio. The Company’s services and products include managed print services group and data security group.
Among 2 analysts covering Auxilio (NYSEMKT:AUXO), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Auxilio had 2 analyst reports since March 31, 2017 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Buy” rating by Craig Hallum on Monday, April 3. Benchmark initiated Auxilio, Inc. (NYSEMKT:AUXO) on Friday, March 31 with “Buy” rating.
Rocket Fuel Inc. is a technology company, which offers a Programmatic Marketing Platform that is designed for helping marketers and their agencies to connect with clients through digital media. The company has market cap of $146.32 million. The Company’s service offerings are organized around platforms, including Data Management Platform and Demand Side Platform (DSP), which are used by clients themselves or integrating with other customer relationship management or marketing platforms, and together in various permutations as its Programmatic Marketing Platform. It currently has negative earnings. The integrated platform is designed to deliver and optimize media spend to engage, upsell and retarget clients across addressable channels, including display, mobile and video, and across addressable devices, such as tablets, set top boxes, television and mobile phones.
Among 2 analysts covering Rocket Fuel (NASDAQ:FUEL), 0 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Rocket Fuel had 7 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Citigroup maintained it with “Neutral” rating and $5.50 target in Monday, September 28 report. The stock of Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL) earned “Neutral” rating by Boenning & Scattergood on Thursday, November 12. Evercore maintained the shares of FUEL in report on Thursday, September 3 with “Hold” rating. The stock of Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL) earned “Buy” rating by Zacks on Tuesday, August 11.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.77 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.13, from 0.9 in 2016Q3. It worsened, as 8 investors sold Rocket Fuel Inc shares while 18 reduced holdings. 3 funds opened positions while 17 raised stakes. 12.79 million shares or 6.32% more from 12.03 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Northern Trust has invested 0% of its portfolio in Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL). Millennium Management Limited Liability Corporation has 35,445 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Raymond James Associates holds 0% or 21,300 shares. Qci Asset Management stated it has 0% in Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL). Blackrock Group Incorporated Ltd, a United Kingdom-based fund reported 21,620 shares. D E Shaw Communication owns 0% invested in Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL) for 26,107 shares. Focused Wealth Mgmt Inc holds 0% or 500 shares in its portfolio. Citigroup reported 0% in Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL). Blackrock Fund reported 0% of its portfolio in Rocket Fuel Inc (NASDAQ:FUEL). Manufacturers Life Insur Com The holds 314 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Invesco Ltd has 60,042 shares. 6,498 were reported by Royal Bancorporation Of Canada. Walleye Trading Limited Liability holds 890 shares. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Mgmt accumulated 400 shares. Menta Capital Ltd reported 223,536 shares or 0.03% of all its holdings.
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