May 25, 2017 - By Darrin Black
Peel Hunt Limited currently has a GBX 220.00 target on the 149.20 million GBP market cap company or 67.30% upside potential. In a report sent to investors and clients on Thursday morning, Atalaya Mining (LON:ATYM) stock had its Buy Rating reconfirmed by professional analysts at Peel Hunt Limited.
Among 8 analysts covering Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN), 3 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 38% are positive. Wyndham Worldwide Corporation had 12 analyst reports since July 30, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Friday, December 11. The firm earned “Underperform” rating on Friday, April 28 by Wolfe Research. The stock of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) earned “Buy” rating by Goldman Sachs on Thursday, October 29. The rating was initiated by Credit Suisse on Friday, February 5 with “Neutral”. The company was maintained on Thursday, January 14 by M Partners. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, September 26 by Goldman Sachs. The rating was upgraded by Deutsche Bank on Monday, January 11 to “Hold”. The stock of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) earned “Buy” rating by M Partners on Monday, December 5. See Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) latest ratings:
28/04/2017 Broker: Wolfe Research Rating: Underperform Downgrade
05/12/2016 Broker: M Partners Rating: Buy Old Target: $93.00 New Target: $90.00 Maintain
Wyndham Worldwide Corporation is a hospitality company. The company has market cap of $10.38 billion. The Firm offers a range of hospitality services and products through its global portfolio of brands. It has a 16.42 P/E ratio. The Firm operates through three divisions: Wyndham Hotel Group, Wyndham Destination Network and Wyndham Vacation Ownership.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.95 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.04, from 0.91 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 43 investors sold Wyndham Worldwide Corporation shares while 163 reduced holdings. 63 funds opened positions while 133 raised stakes. 97.02 million shares or 2.71% less from 99.73 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Point72 Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd accumulated 867 shares. Commonwealth Comml Bank Of Aus has 16,043 shares. Ameritas Investment Prtnrs has invested 0.01% in Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN). Ngam Limited Partnership owns 95,263 shares. Tudor Investment Corporation Et Al accumulated 28,905 shares or 0.06% of the stock. Mitsubishi Ufj Trust And Bk reported 244,921 shares. Blackrock Advsr Ltd Liability Corp owns 0.05% invested in Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) for 663,133 shares. Verition Fund Limited Liability has 0.07% invested in Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN). Wells Fargo Mn owns 306,919 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Old Mutual Glob (Uk) has invested 0% in Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN). Principal Finance Group reported 0.02% stake. Nikko Asset Mgmt Americas Inc holds 4,900 shares. Intrust Commercial Bank Na holds 3,697 shares or 0.11% of its portfolio. Cornercap Invest Counsel Incorporated holds 0.24% or 18,005 shares in its portfolio. Dupont Cap has invested 0.15% of its portfolio in Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN).
About 128,439 shares traded. Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) has risen 43.20% since May 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 26.50% the S&P500.
Since December 15, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 11 selling transactions for $9.24 million activity. Anderson Thomas F sold 25,000 shares worth $2.11 million. Ballotti Geoffrey A sold $1.12M worth of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) on Tuesday, February 28. HERRERA GEORGE sold $32,795 worth of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) on Wednesday, February 22. The insider MULRONEY BRIAN sold $34,948. Rossi Nicola sold $184,016 worth of stock or 2,379 shares. McLester Scott G sold 15,000 shares worth $1.24M. On Tuesday, February 28 Falvey Mary R sold $2.04 million worth of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:WYN) or 24,471 shares.
Atalaya Mining PLC, formerly EMED Mining Public Limited, is a Cyprus new European copper firm focused on the re-start of production at the Rio Tinto Copper Project. The company has market cap of 149.20 million GBP. It comprises a number of deposits including one of the largest copper deposits in Spain and is located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. It has a 15.07 P/E ratio.
Among 4 analysts covering Atalaya Mining Plc (LON:ATYM), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Atalaya Mining Plc has GBX 239 highest and GBX 135 lowest target. GBX 219.50’s average target is 71.48% above currents GBX 128 stock price. Atalaya Mining Plc had 46 analyst reports since November 18, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. FinnCap maintained Atalaya Mining PLC (LON:ATYM) rating on Wednesday, June 15. FinnCap has “Buy” rating and GBX 195 target. The stock has “Buy” rating by FinnCap on Monday, January 16. The stock of Atalaya Mining PLC (LON:ATYM) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, February 18 by FinnCap. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Monday, April 24 by Peel Hunt. The company was maintained on Friday, September 30 by Peel Hunt. The stock of Atalaya Mining PLC (LON:ATYM) earned “Buy” rating by FinnCap on Monday, March 21. The company was maintained on Monday, October 3 by Canaccord Genuity. On Thursday, November 24 the stock rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with “Speculative Buy”. The stock of Atalaya Mining PLC (LON:ATYM) earned “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Thursday, April 20. The rating was maintained by Peel Hunt on Thursday, March 24 with “Buy”.
About 72,523 shares traded or 59.59% up from the average. Atalaya Mining PLC (LON:ATYM) has 0.00% since May 25, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
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