Asset Advisors Has Decreased By $436,176 Its American Water Works Co (AWK) Position; Last Week Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (SBH) Coverage

Among 13 analysts covering Sally Beauty Holdings (NYSE:SBH), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 11 Hold. Therefore 15% are positive. Sally Beauty Holdings had 25 analyst reports since August 5, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. B. Riley & Co downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating in Friday, August 7 report. Wells Fargo downgraded the stock to “Underperform” rating in Thursday, October 22 report. The company was maintained on Tuesday, November 10 by Oppenheimer. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Wednesday, April 20 by BB&T Capital. The stock of Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH) earned “Neutral” rating by Piper Jaffray on Thursday, March 10. Oppenheimer upgraded it to “Outperform” rating and $30 target in Tuesday, January 26 report. The company was upgraded on Tuesday, December 15 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. Goldman Sachs upgraded Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH) on Wednesday, November 18 to “Buy” rating. The stock of Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH) has “Equal-Weight” rating given on Tuesday, January 19 by Morgan Stanley. As per Thursday, June 2, the company rating was upgraded by Wells Fargo. See Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH) latest ratings:

06/02/2017 Broker: B. Riley & Co Rating: Neutral Old Target: $29 New Target: $26 Maintain
02/02/2017 Broker: Oppenheimer Old Rating: Outperform New Rating: Perform Downgrade
16/12/2016 Broker: BMO Capital Markets Rating: Market Perform New Target: $29.00 Initiates Coverage On

Asset Advisors Corp decreased American Water Works Co (AWK) stake by 2.83% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Asset Advisors Corp sold 6,058 shares as American Water Works Co (AWK)’s stock declined 11.01%. The Asset Advisors Corp holds 207,884 shares with $15.04M value, down from 213,942 last quarter. American Water Works Co now has $14.16 billion valuation. The stock decreased 0.23% or $0.18 during the last trading session, reaching $79.32. About shares traded. American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK) has risen 8.72% since September 13, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 1.21% the S&P500.

Analysts await American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK) to report earnings on May, 4 before the open. They expect $0.52 earnings per share, up 13.04% or $0.06 from last year’s $0.46 per share. AWK’s profit will be $92.83 million for 38.13 P/E if the $0.52 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.57 actual earnings per share reported by American Water Works Company Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -8.77% negative EPS growth.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.04 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.94 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 52 investors sold AWK shares while 197 reduced holdings. 71 funds opened positions while 188 raised stakes. 140.42 million shares or 2.14% more from 137.48 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. State Street Corporation stated it has 9.15M shares. Teacher Retirement Of Texas invested in 49,955 shares. Profund Advisors Ltd Liability invested 0.05% in American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK). Paradigm Asset Management Limited Liability Company holds 0% or 2,850 shares in its portfolio. Mutual Of America Cap Mngmt Ltd Com owns 22,136 shares. Ftb Advisors Inc reported 15 shares. Clinton Gp Incorporated Inc owns 144,671 shares for 0.61% of their portfolio. Duff Phelps Investment Mgmt Communication has invested 1.16% in American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK). Usca Ria Ltd Com invested in 3,367 shares or 0.04% of the stock. 1St Glob Incorporated holds 0.1% or 11,180 shares in its portfolio. Focused Wealth Management Inc reported 0.13% stake. Pennsylvania-based Brandywine Global Inv Limited has invested 0% in American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK). Indexiq Advisors Lc has 53,496 shares. Jones Financial Lllp owns 32,887 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Brick And Kyle Associate holds 300 shares.

Asset Advisors Corp increased Intuit Inc (NASDAQ:INTU) stake by 4,785 shares to 83,295 valued at $9.55M in 2016Q4. It also upped Alphabet Inc Class A stake by 385 shares and now owns 3,872 shares. Cintas Corp (NASDAQ:CTAS) was raised too.

Since November 28, 2016, it had 1 insider buy, and 2 selling transactions for $1.79 million activity. Lynch Walter had sold 10,000 shares worth $780,000 on Thursday, March 2. STORY SUSAN N also bought $2,921 worth of American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK) on Monday, November 28. Strauss Mark F. sold $1.01 million worth of American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK) on Thursday, March 2.

Among 9 analysts covering American Water Works (NYSE:AWK), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 56% are positive. American Water Works had 16 analyst reports since October 15, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Wednesday, November 9, the company rating was upgraded by Bank of America. The stock has “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital on Friday, May 6. On Friday, February 26 the stock rating was downgraded by Janney Capital to “Neutral”. As per Wednesday, July 6, the company rating was downgraded by Bank of America. The rating was maintained by Barclays Capital on Tuesday, September 6 with “Overweight”. The rating was initiated by Argus Research with “Buy” on Friday, June 24. The stock of American Water Works Company Inc (NYSE:AWK) has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, March 2 by Robert W. Baird. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Boenning & Scattergood given on Monday, June 6. The company was initiated on Wednesday, January 18 by Macquarie Research. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Wednesday, March 15 by HSBC.

The stock decreased 0.15% or $0.03 on April 19, reaching $19.86. About shares traded. Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH) has declined 25.65% since September 13, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 35.57% the S&P500.

Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. is an international specialty retailer and distributor of professional beauty supplies with activities primarily in North America, South America and Europe. The company has market cap of $2.83 billion. The Firm operates through two business divisions: Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group . It has a 12.34 P/E ratio. Sally Beauty Supply is a domestic and international chain of cash and carry retail stores, which offers professional beauty supplies to both salon professionals and retail clients primarily in North America, Puerto Rico, and parts of Europe and South America.