June 2, 2017 - By Marie Mckinney
Ashfield Capital Partners Llc decreased Ambev Sa (ABEV) stake by 43.35% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Ashfield Capital Partners Llc sold 77,964 shares as Ambev Sa (ABEV)’s stock declined 1.05%. The Ashfield Capital Partners Llc holds 101,896 shares with $500,000 value, down from 179,860 last quarter. Ambev Sa now has $88.96B valuation. The stock rose 0.80% or $0.05 reaching $5.7. About 47.38M shares traded or 39.15% up from the average. Ambev SA (ADR) (NYSE:ABEV) has risen 10.52% since June 2, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.18% the S&P500.
Among 2 analysts covering Atlantic Gold Corp (CVE:AGB), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Atlantic Gold Corp had 3 analyst reports since August 12, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was initiated by National Bank Canada on Wednesday, August 12 with “Outperform”. See Atlantic Gold Corp (CVE:AGB) latest ratings:
Atlantic Gold Corporation is a Canada exploration and development gold mining company. The company has market cap of $250.18 million. The Firm is focused on advancing the development of its Nova Scotia properties, including its Moose River Consolidated Project , Cochrane Hill and Fifteen Mile Stream gold projects, as well as continuing to review potential acquisitions and investment opportunities. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s properties include Touquoy Gold Project located at the former village of Moose River Gold Mines; Beaver Dam Property located in Halifax County, central Nova Scotia; Cochrane Hill Gold Project located south of the town of Antigonish, and Fifteen Mile Stream property located in eastern Halifax County, Nova Scotia.
About 75,098 shares traded. Atlantic Gold Corp (CVE:AGB) has 0.00% since June 2, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Among 4 analysts covering AmBev SA (NYSE:ABEV), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. AmBev SA had 5 analyst reports since September 17, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Equal Weight” rating on Thursday, November 3 by Barclays Capital. The rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley to “Equal-Weight” on Thursday, August 18. On Monday, October 10 the stock rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs with “Buy”. The rating was upgraded by JP Morgan to “Overweight” on Thursday, November 10.
Ashfield Capital Partners Llc increased Welltower Inc stake by 24,658 shares to 62,958 valued at $4.21 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Rydex Etf Trust (RSP) stake by 4,397 shares and now owns 38,730 shares. Ishares Tr (IWF) was raised too.
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