Arizona State Retirement System Lowered By $334,600 Its Goldman Sachs Group (GS) Holding; Bokf Lifted Its Coca Cola Co (KO) Position

September 2, 2017 - By Ellis Scott

Arizona State Retirement System decreased Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS) stake by 1.51% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Arizona State Retirement System sold 1,400 shares as Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS)’s stock declined 13.97%. The Arizona State Retirement System holds 91,442 shares with $21.90M value, down from 92,842 last quarter. Goldman Sachs Group Inc now has $87.39B valuation. The stock increased 0.96% or $2.14 on September 1, reaching $225.88. About shares traded. Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) has risen 39.23% since September 2, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 22.53% the S&P500.

Bokf increased Coca Cola Co (KO) stake by 2.67% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Bokf acquired 8,144 shares as Coca Cola Co (KO)’s stock rose 6.48%. The Bokf holds 313,705 shares with $13.01M value, up from 305,561 last quarter. Coca Cola Co now has $195.27B valuation. The stock increased 0.50% or $0.23 on September 1, reaching $45.78. About shares traded. The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO) has declined 0.95% since September 2, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 17.65% the S&P500.

Arizona State Retirement System increased L Brands Inc (LTD) stake by 10,100 shares to 79,635 valued at $5.24 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Servisfirst Bancshares Inc (NASDAQ:SFBS) stake by 11,400 shares and now owns 22,800 shares. Cincinnati Financial Corp (NASDAQ:CINF) was raised too.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.08 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.06, from 1.02 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 65 investors sold GS shares while 424 reduced holdings. 168 funds opened positions while 262 raised stakes. 287.95 million shares or 5.61% more from 272.65 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Odey Asset Management holds 12.97% or 516,285 shares in its portfolio. Investment Centers Of America accumulated 1,253 shares. Mathes Incorporated reported 11,190 shares or 1.48% of all its holdings. Hoplite Cap Management Limited Partnership owns 267,884 shares or 3.29% of their US portfolio. Morgan Stanley holds 0.25% or 3.24 million shares. Blue Fin Cap reported 1,079 shares. Anchor Capital Advisors Ltd Liability Corporation holds 0.08% in Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) or 8,390 shares. State Of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D holds 392,500 shares or 0.4% of its portfolio. Dumont And Blake Advisors has 0.12% invested in Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS). Cim Inv Mangement reported 5,393 shares. Northern Cap Mngmt Limited Liability invested in 15,230 shares or 1.52% of the stock. Zeke Cap Advsrs Ltd Liability Company accumulated 2,124 shares or 0.14% of the stock. Calamos Advisors Ltd Limited Liability Company owns 53,240 shares. Northcoast Asset Ltd holds 0.22% or 9,153 shares. Delaware-based Lau Assoc Ltd Liability has invested 1.82% in Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS).

Among 27 analysts covering Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:GS), 12 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 14 Hold. Therefore 44% are positive. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. had 75 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, January 3, the company rating was maintained by Barclays Capital. UBS upgraded the shares of GS in report on Friday, February 5 to “Buy” rating. Citigroup downgraded the shares of GS in report on Tuesday, November 8 to “Neutral” rating. On Monday, August 24 the stock rating was upgraded by Vetr to “Buy”. The stock has “Neutral” rating by Instinet on Tuesday, November 29. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Friday, January 6 by UBS. Keefe Bruyette & Woods downgraded the shares of GS in report on Wednesday, July 19 to “Hold” rating. On Monday, January 25 the stock rating was upgraded by Nomura to “Buy”. The stock of Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) earned “Sell” rating by Citigroup on Tuesday, January 10. The rating was upgraded by JP Morgan on Tuesday, February 16 to “Overweight”.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.94 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.15, from 0.79 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 76 investors sold KO shares while 623 reduced holdings. 102 funds opened positions while 503 raised stakes. 2.70 billion shares or 1.56% more from 2.66 billion shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Riverbridge Ltd Liability Co invested 0.01% in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO). Becker Cap Management reported 0.01% of its portfolio in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO). Utd Fire Grp Inc Incorporated has invested 0.12% in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO). Tompkins Fincl stated it has 0.08% in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO). Altavista Wealth Mngmt Incorporated has invested 0.15% of its portfolio in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO). Airain holds 29,384 shares. Tortoise Investment Ltd Liability Co reported 5,338 shares. Gotham Asset Mgmt Limited Company owns 804,173 shares. Catawba Capital Management Va accumulated 13,549 shares or 0.13% of the stock. Stewart And Patten Company Lc holds 439,909 shares or 3.47% of its portfolio. 46,097 were accumulated by Ronna Sue Cohen. Broderick Brian C accumulated 38,100 shares. Wealthtrust Fairport Ltd has 186,282 shares. Mcmillion Capital Mngmt Incorporated has invested 1.28% in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO). Tower Bridge Advsrs stated it has 0% in The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO).

Among 18 analysts covering Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO), 7 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 10 Hold. Therefore 39% are positive. Coca-Cola had 48 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Sterne Agee CRT initiated The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO) on Tuesday, July 21 with “Buy” rating. The company was maintained on Tuesday, August 22 by Cowen & Co. As per Monday, July 31, the company rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets. On Friday, February 5 the stock rating was upgraded by Susquehanna to “Neutral”. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, October 22 by UBS. Wells Fargo downgraded The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO) on Thursday, January 19 to “Market Perform” rating. The rating was downgraded by Vetr on Friday, August 28 to “Buy”. The firm has “Buy” rating by BMO Capital Markets given on Thursday, March 23. Jefferies maintained The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO) on Tuesday, June 20 with “Hold” rating. Bernstein maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Tuesday, April 11 report.

Bokf decreased Ishares Gold Trust (IAU) stake by 49,874 shares to 195,628 valued at $2.17 million in 2016Q4. It also reduced Spdr Index Shs Fds (RWX) stake by 44,251 shares and now owns 117,880 shares. Eaton Corp Plc (NYSE:ETN) was reduced too.

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