May 31, 2017 - By Migdalia James
Anderson Hoagland & Co decreased 3M Corp (MMM) stake by 11.69% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Anderson Hoagland & Co sold 2,650 shares as 3M Corp (MMM)’s stock rose 7.02%. The Anderson Hoagland & Co holds 20,020 shares with $3.58M value, down from 22,670 last quarter. 3M Corp now has $121.59B valuation. The stock increased 0.88% or $1.77 during the last trading session, reaching $202.44. About 1 shares traded. 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) has risen 18.59% since May 31, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.89% the S&P500.
Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ:VICR) had a decrease of 9.7% in short interest. VICR’s SI was 329,400 shares in May as released by FINRA. Its down 9.7% from 364,800 shares previously. With 59,600 avg volume, 6 days are for Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ:VICR)’s short sellers to cover VICR’s short positions. The SI to Vicor Corporation’s float is 1.94%. The stock decreased 2.86% or $0.5 during the last trading session, reaching $17. About shares traded. Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR) has risen 87.64% since May 31, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 70.94% the S&P500.
Since December 6, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 14 insider sales for $1.38 million activity. 1,091 shares were sold by KELLEHER BARRY, worth $17,238 on Thursday, December 15. On Monday, December 12 Morrison Kemble D sold $36,707 worth of Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR) or 2,407 shares. EICHTEN ESTIA J sold $62,000 worth of stock. SIMMS JAMES A also sold $525,007 worth of Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR) on Tuesday, February 28. 15,000 Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR) shares with value of $239,337 were sold by GRIFFIN LIAM. On Tuesday, December 6 Nagel Richard J Jr sold $23,412 worth of Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR) or 1,500 shares.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.64 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.64, from 1 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 4 investors sold Vicor Corp shares while 24 reduced holdings. 13 funds opened positions while 33 raised stakes. 9.55 million shares or 5.35% more from 9.06 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Trellus Mgmt Company holds 141,125 shares or 3.14% of its portfolio. Needham Inv Mgmt Limited Liability accumulated 90,927 shares. Guggenheim Limited Liability Corp, a Illinois-based fund reported 87,655 shares. Royal Comml Bank Of Canada accumulated 824 shares. 204,039 are owned by Northern Tru. Swiss Bancorporation reported 28,932 shares stake. Blackrock Institutional Trust Na holds 540,255 shares. Blackrock Lc invested 0% in Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR). 652,294 were reported by Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd Partnership. Janney Montgomery Scott Ltd Liability Co reported 156,061 shares or 0.04% of all its holdings. Geode Capital Ltd Liability Corporation has 0% invested in Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR). Tower Research Capital Ltd Liability (Trc) reported 0% of its portfolio in Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR). The Iowa-based Principal Financial Gp has invested 0% in Vicor Corp (NASDAQ:VICR). New York State Teachers Retirement Systems accumulated 55,901 shares. Prudential Inc accumulated 42,742 shares.
Vicor Corporation designs, develops, makes and markets modular power components and power systems for converting, regulating and controlling electric current. The company has market cap of $661.02 million. The Company’s divisions include Brick Business Unit , VI Chip and Picor. It currently has negative earnings. The BBU segment designs, develops, makes and markets modular direct current-direct current converters and configurable products, and also includes the entities comprising Vicor Custom Power, and the BBU activities of Vicor Japan Company, Ltd. (VJCL).
Since December 7, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 16 sales for $31.69 million activity. Ashish Khandpur K sold $613,250 worth of 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) on Monday, February 13. $75,864 worth of 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) was sold by Hammes Eric D.. Shares for $5.00 million were sold by THULIN INGE G on Thursday, February 9. Keel Paul A sold $1.53 million worth of stock. The insider Shin Hak Cheol sold 47,528 shares worth $8.41 million. The insider Price Kimberly F sold $597,500. 11,609 shares were sold by Delgado Joaquin, worth $2.11M on Tuesday, February 14.
Analysts await 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) to report earnings on July, 25. They expect $2.44 EPS, up 17.31% or $0.36 from last year’s $2.08 per share. MMM’s profit will be $1.47 billion for 20.74 P/E if the $2.44 EPS becomes a reality. After $2.16 actual EPS reported by 3M Co for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 12.96% EPS growth.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.86 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.08, from 0.78 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 67 investors sold MMM shares while 592 reduced holdings. 100 funds opened positions while 464 raised stakes. 383.70 million shares or 2.52% more from 374.26 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Riverbridge Prns Ltd Liability Corp accumulated 128,572 shares. Security Bank & Trust Of So Dak holds 0.47% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) or 2,160 shares. Charter Tru stated it has 92,202 shares or 1.82% of all its holdings. 5,160 are owned by Cap Wealth Planning Limited Liability. First Financial Corp In owns 740 shares for 0.08% of their portfolio. Bowen Hanes & Com has invested 2.2% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Farr Miller Washington Dc holds 20,089 shares or 0.39% of its portfolio. Fcg Advsrs Limited Company holds 4,391 shares. Principal Finance Group Incorporated stated it has 0.2% of its portfolio in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Union Bancorporation has invested 1.45% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Brown Advisory has invested 0.18% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Boston Family Office Ltd Com holds 38,421 shares. Amica Retiree Medical holds 0.57% or 3,992 shares. Miller Mngmt LP reported 0.65% in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Northeast Fincl Consultants accumulated 0.16% or 2,020 shares.
Among 11 analysts covering 3M (NYSE:MMM), 5 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 45% are positive. 3M had 41 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Monday, October 5 the stock rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with “Equal-Weight”. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Tuesday, April 12 by Jefferies. UBS maintained the shares of MMM in report on Friday, July 24 with “Buy” rating. The firm has “Market Perform” rating given on Wednesday, March 30 by Bernstein. Credit Suisse maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Tuesday, March 15 report. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with “Hold” on Wednesday, December 14. The rating was initiated by Citigroup with “Buy” on Thursday, January 21. The company was maintained on Wednesday, December 16 by UBS. Citigroup maintained the shares of MMM in report on Tuesday, April 19 with “Buy” rating. The firm earned “Sector Perform” rating on Wednesday, December 7 by RBC Capital Markets.
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