January 1, 2018 - By Richard Conner
Analysts expect Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) to report $4.78 EPS on January, 25.They anticipate $0.33 EPS change or 7.42% from last quarter’s $4.45 EPS. ADS’s profit would be $264.08 million giving it 13.26 P/E if the $4.78 EPS is correct. After having $5.16 EPS previously, Alliance Data Systems Corporation’s analysts see -7.36% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.85% or $2.13 during the last trading session, reaching $253.48. About 354,053 shares traded. Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) has risen 14.47% since January 1, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 2.23% the S&P500.
Among 22 analysts covering Humana (NYSE:HUM), 12 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 10 Hold. Therefore 55% are positive. Humana had 65 analyst reports since July 30, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. IBC maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Friday, March 31 report. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $257.0 target in Friday, October 13 report. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Friday, April 21 by Jefferies. On Monday, October 9 the stock rating was downgraded by JP Morgan to “Neutral”. Piper Jaffray initiated the shares of HUM in report on Wednesday, January 4 with “Overweight” rating. The stock has “Outperform” rating by Credit Suisse on Friday, November 11. The stock of Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) earned “Buy” rating by Argus Research on Friday, June 9. The stock of Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, September 20 by Cowen & Co. The stock of Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) has “Outperform” rating given on Thursday, March 30 by Oppenheimer. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Friday, July 7 by Jefferies. See Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) latest ratings:
18/12/2017 Broker: Cantor Fitzgerald Rating: Hold New Target: $230.0 Maintain
06/12/2017 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold New Target: $261.0 Maintain
27/11/2017 Broker: Leerink Swann Rating: Buy New Target: $280.0 Maintain
10/11/2017 Broker: Credit Suisse Rating: Neutral Old Target: $256 New Target: $246 Maintain
10/11/2017 Broker: BMO Capital Markets Rating: Outperform Old Target: $300 New Target: $290 Maintain
09/11/2017 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Hold New Target: $242.0 Maintain
09/11/2017 Broker: Morgan Stanley Rating: Overweight Old Target: $276 New Target: $270 Maintain
08/11/2017 Broker: Cantor Fitzgerald Rating: Hold New Target: $230.0 Maintain
03/11/2017 Broker: Credit Suisse Rating: Hold New Target: $256.0 Initiate
23/10/2017 Broker: Cowen & Co Rating: Buy New Target: $275.0 Maintain
Humana Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a health and well-being firm in the United States. The company has market cap of $35.44 billion. The firm operates through three divisions: Retail, Group, and Healthcare Services. It has a 19.67 P/E ratio. The Retail segment offers Medicare benefits, as well as commercial fully-insured medical and specialty health insurance benefits, including dental, vision, and other supplemental health and financial protection products directly to individuals or through group accounts.
The stock decreased 0.38% or $0.94 during the last trading session, reaching $248.07. About 794,553 shares traded. Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) has risen 35.38% since January 1, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 18.68% the S&P500.
Since August 10, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 7 sales for $16.22 million activity. The insider Fleming William Kevin sold 3,071 shares worth $770,760. $2.01 million worth of Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) was sold by Huval Timothy S.. The insider Christopher M Todoroff sold $5.79 million. The insider Bierbower Elizabeth D sold 9,786 shares worth $2.53M. BILNEY JODY L sold $1.75 million worth of stock. $3.02M worth of Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) was sold by BROUSSARD BRUCE D.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.21 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.01, from 1.2 in 2017Q2. It improved, as 44 investors sold Humana Inc. shares while 184 reduced holdings. 76 funds opened positions while 201 raised stakes. 131.39 million shares or 2.57% less from 134.86 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. 216,008 are owned by Panagora Asset Inc. Profund Advsr Ltd Com reported 6,901 shares. Bb&T has invested 0.01% in Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM). 20,956 are held by Smith Graham And Invest Advsr Lp. Americafirst Capital Mgmt Limited Liability Corp has 1,036 shares for 0.34% of their portfolio. Hillsdale Invest Management, a Ontario – Canada-based fund reported 1,890 shares. Kingdon Capital Management stated it has 0.93% of its portfolio in Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM). Sii Investments Incorporated Wi reported 1,496 shares stake. Wall Street Access Asset Ltd Liability reported 1,120 shares. Gsa Capital Prns Ltd Liability Partnership owns 0.17% invested in Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM) for 10,111 shares. 132,432 were accumulated by Earnest Prtnrs Ltd Liability Corporation. Eaton Vance Management, Massachusetts-based fund reported 145,156 shares. Rockefeller Ser holds 4,643 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. Great Lakes Advsr Llc owns 11,724 shares for 0.07% of their portfolio. Perella Weinberg Prns Management Limited Partnership has 25,870 shares.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.93 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.08, from 0.85 in 2017Q2. It is positive, as 46 investors sold Alliance Data Systems Corporation shares while 163 reduced holdings. 48 funds opened positions while 146 raised stakes. 50.97 million shares or 2.32% less from 52.18 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Wilbanks Smith & Thomas Asset Management Limited holds 9,614 shares or 0.18% of its portfolio. Edgewood Mngmt Llc owns 2.90M shares. Toronto Dominion National Bank & Trust holds 18,387 shares. Moreover, Winslow Evans And Crocker has 0.01% invested in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) for 72 shares. Boothbay Fund Mngmt Llc has invested 0.3% in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS). Moreover, Alliancebernstein L P has 0.02% invested in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS). Moreover, Thompson Siegel Walmsley Llc has 0% invested in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS). Brave Warrior Advsrs Ltd Liability Corporation holds 14.89% of its portfolio in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) for 1.39 million shares. One Trading L P invested in 0% or 2,063 shares. Endurance Wealth reported 0% of its portfolio in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS). Icon Advisers Incorporated, Colorado-based fund reported 3,500 shares. 14,636 are held by Golden Gate Private Equity. Glenmede Company Na, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 1,201 shares. 82,270 were accumulated by California State Teachers Retirement Sys. Moreover, Kornitzer Cap Management Ks has 0.04% invested in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) for 9,550 shares.
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