July 5, 2017 - By Dolores Ford
Saratoga Investment Corporation New (NYSE:SAR) had an increase of 172.5% in short interest. SAR’s SI was 10,900 shares in July as released by FINRA. Its up 172.5% from 4,000 shares previously. With 24,700 avg volume, 0 days are for Saratoga Investment Corporation New (NYSE:SAR)’s short sellers to cover SAR’s short positions. The SI to Saratoga Investment Corporation New’s float is 0.36%. About 54,090 shares traded or 178.84% up from the average. Saratoga Investment Corp (NYSE:SAR) has risen 31.19% since July 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 14.49% the S&P500.
Analysts expect FleetCor Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FLT) to report $1.82 EPS on August, 3.They anticipate $0.40 EPS change or 28.17% from last quarter’s $1.42 EPS. FLT’s profit would be $169.23M giving it 19.93 P/E if the $1.82 EPS is correct. After having $1.77 EPS previously, FleetCor Technologies, Inc.’s analysts see 2.82% EPS growth. About 253,372 shares traded. FleetCor Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FLT) has declined 6.67% since July 5, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 23.37% the S&P500.
Saratoga Investment Corp. is a specialty finance company. The company has market cap of $126.62 million. The Firm is an externally managed, closed-end, non-diversified management investment company. It has a 10.98 P/E ratio. The Firm invests primarily in leveraged loans and mezzanine debt issued by private middle-market companies in the United States.
FleetCor Technologies, Inc. is a provider of workforce payment products. The company has market cap of $13.49 billion. The Firm offers fuel card payments product solutions, corporate payments products, toll products, lodging cards and gift cards. It has a 29.68 P/E ratio. The Firm operates through two divisions: North America and International.
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