September 29, 2017 - By Michael Collier
Ormat Technologies, Inc. is engaged in the geothermal and recovered energy power business. The company has market cap of $3.16 billion. The Firm designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy power plants. It has a 28.91 P/E ratio. The Company’s equipment manufacturing activities are located in Israel.
Analysts expect Travelers Companies Inc (NYSE:TRV) to report $1.60 EPS on October, 19 before the open.They anticipate $0.80 EPS change or 33.33% from last quarter’s $2.4 EPS. TRV’s profit would be $441.56M giving it 19.19 P/E if the $1.60 EPS is correct. After having $1.92 EPS previously, Travelers Companies Inc’s analysts see -16.67% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.17% or $0.21 during the last trading session, reaching $122.8. About shares traded. Travelers Companies Inc (NYSE:TRV) has risen 9.71% since September 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.99% the S&P500.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 buys, and 11 selling transactions for $3.95 million activity.
Analysts await Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ORA) to report earnings on November, 6. They expect $0.49 earnings per share, down 12.50% or $0.07 from last year’s $0.56 per share. ORA’s profit will be $24.42M for 32.35 P/E if the $0.49 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.58 actual earnings per share reported by Ormat Technologies, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -15.52% negative EPS growth.
The stock increased 7.31% or $4.32 during the last trading session, reaching $63.41. About shares traded. Ormat Technologies, Inc. (ORA) has risen 34.71% since September 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 18.01% the S&P500.
Mivtachim The Workers Social Insurance Fund Ltd. (Under Special Management) holds 2.65% of its portfolio in Ormat Technologies, Inc. for 679,326 shares. Mitchell Capital Management Co owns 112,030 shares or 2.51% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Friedberg Investment Management has 1.89% invested in the company for 75,230 shares. The Israel-based Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Ltd has invested 1.85% in the stock. Americafirst Capital Management Llc, a California-based fund reported 22,103 shares.
The Travelers Companies, Inc. is a holding company. The company has market cap of $33.89 billion. The Company’s divisions include Business and International Insurance; Bond & Specialty Insurance, and Personal Insurance. It has a 12.24 P/E ratio. Through its subsidiaries, it provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance services and products.
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