August 1, 2017 - By Clifton Ray
Long Island Iced Tea CORP. – Common (NASDAQ:LTEA) had an increase of 63.92% in short interest. LTEA’s SI was 25,900 shares in August as released by FINRA. Its up 63.92% from 15,800 shares previously. With 64,100 avg volume, 0 days are for Long Island Iced Tea CORP. – Common (NASDAQ:LTEA)’s short sellers to cover LTEA’s short positions. The SI to Long Island Iced Tea CORP. – Common’s float is 0.51%. The stock increased 2.17% or $0.1 on July 31, reaching $4.7. About shares traded. Long Island Iced Tea Corp (NASDAQ:LTEA) has declined 41.63% since August 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 58.33% the S&P500.
Analysts expect Banco de Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BCH) to report $1.33 EPS on August, 7.They anticipate $0.51 EPS change or 27.72% from last quarter’s $1.84 EPS. BCH’s profit would be $220.47M giving it 16.07 P/E if the $1.33 EPS is correct. After having $1.30 EPS previously, Banco de Chile (ADR)’s analysts see 2.31% EPS growth. The stock increased 1.39% or $1.17 on July 31, reaching $85.48. About shares traded. Banco de Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BCH) has risen 26.52% since August 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 9.82% the S&P500.
Long Island Iced Tea Corp. is a holding firm operating through its subsidiary, Long Island Brand Beverages, LLC . The company has market cap of $40.61 million. The Firm is engaged in the production and distribution of Non-Alcoholic Ready-to-Drink (NARTD) iced tea in the beverage industry. It currently has negative earnings. It is organized around its brand, Long Island Iced Tea.
Banco de Chile is a full service financial institution, which is engaged in providing credit and non-credit services and products in Chile. The company has market cap of $14.17 billion. The Bank offers a range of banking services to its customers, ranging from individuals to firms. It has a 16.63 P/E ratio.
Among 5 analysts covering Banco de Chile (NYSE:BCH), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 60% are positive. Banco de Chile had 9 analyst reports since August 11, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. JP Morgan downgraded Banco de Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BCH) on Friday, May 6 to “Neutral” rating. The stock has “Hold” rating by Zacks on Tuesday, August 11. As per Friday, July 15, the company rating was upgraded by Scotia Capital. The firm has “Hold” rating by Standpoint Research given on Monday, August 15. The stock of Banco de Chile (ADR) (NYSE:BCH) earned “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital on Thursday, April 7. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Wednesday, August 26 by Standpoint Research. As per Tuesday, December 13, the company rating was upgraded by JP Morgan.
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