November 29, 2017 - By Adrian Mccoy
Financial Counselors Inc increased Amazon (AMZN) stake by 21.06% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Financial Counselors Inc acquired 1,896 shares as Amazon (AMZN)’s stock rose 13.58%. The Financial Counselors Inc holds 10,898 shares with $10.55 million value, up from 9,002 last quarter. Amazon now has $558.03 billion valuation. The stock decreased 2.98% or $35.56 during the last trading session, reaching $1158.04. About 3.86 million shares traded or 15.47% up from the average., Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has risen 37.41% since November 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.71% the S&P500.
Analysts expect Bob Evans Farms, Inc. (:BOBE) to report $0.35 EPS on December, 4.They anticipate $0.21 EPS change or 37.50% from last quarter’s $0.56 EPS. BOBE’s profit would be $7.02M giving it 55.37 P/E if the $0.35 EPS is correct. After having $0.37 EPS previously, Bob Evans Farms, Inc.’s analysts see -5.41% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.10% or $0.08 during the last trading session, reaching $77.52. About 48,950 shares traded. Bob Evans Farms, Inc. (:BOBE) has risen 55.35% since November 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.65% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.42 in Q2 2017. Its up 0.41, from 1.01 in 2017Q1. It is positive, as 26 investors sold Bob Evans Farms, Inc. shares while 40 reduced holdings. 40 funds opened positions while 54 raised stakes. 15.16 million shares or 1.71% less from 15.43 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Pacific Mngmt owns 70,237 shares. Fifth Third Bankshares owns 0% invested in Bob Evans Farms, Inc. (:BOBE) for 2,404 shares. Parkside Bankshares And Trust stated it has 12 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Aqr Cap Mgmt Limited Com holds 11,276 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Quantbot L P owns 1,413 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. 835,743 are held by Victory Mgmt. Public Sector Pension Board reported 0.01% in Bob Evans Farms, Inc. (:BOBE). Trexquant Invest Ltd Partnership has 7,318 shares for 0.14% of their portfolio. Bancorporation holds 0% or 4,000 shares. Old Mutual Invsts (Uk) accumulated 11,723 shares. Pub Employees Retirement Association Of Colorado owns 7,513 shares for 0% of their portfolio. 38,562 were accumulated by Legal & General Public Ltd Co. Gsa Capital Partners Llp invested in 0.12% or 25,214 shares. Meeder Asset Inc accumulated 0% or 173 shares. Panagora Asset Mngmt Incorporated reported 9,460 shares or 0% of all its holdings.
Bob Evans Farms, Inc. produces and distributes food products for grocery retailers in the United States. The company has market cap of $1.55 billion. The companyÂ’s products include refrigerated and frozen food items, including mashed potatoes, diced and shredded breakfast potatoes, Homestyle broccoli and cheese, seasoned Homestyle stuffing, six cheese pasta and sliced glazed apples, sausages, egg and cheese biscuits, sausage biscuits, egg and cheese croissant, breakfast burritos, breakfast bowls and kolaches, and soups, as well as sausage gravies; and fresh, smoked, and fully cooked pork and turkey sausage, ham, and hickory-smoked bacon products, as well as its oven bake scalloped potatoes, oven bake macaroni and cheese, oven bake double cheddar pasta with applewood smoked bacon, and oven bake southwest products. It has a 12.58 P/E ratio. It provides its home-style refrigerated side-dishes, pork sausage products, and various related frozen food items under the Bob Evans, Owens, Country Creek, and Pineland Farms brands, as well as its retail customers' private-label brands.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.36 in Q2 2017. Its down 0.34, from 1.7 in 2017Q1. It dived, as 64 investors sold AMZN shares while 542 reduced holdings. 153 funds opened positions while 670 raised stakes. 285.20 million shares or 2.71% less from 293.14 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Thompson Siegel And Walmsley Ltd holds 0.01% or 925 shares in its portfolio. Shoker Investment Counsel invested in 285 shares. E&G Ltd Partnership reported 555 shares stake. Heritage Wealth Advsrs stated it has 0.2% of its portfolio in, Inc. (:AMZN). Green Valley Limited Liability Com has invested 7.32% of its portfolio in, Inc. (:AMZN). Headinvest Ltd Liability Co reported 0.08% in, Inc. (:AMZN). Homrich Berg has invested 0.13% in, Inc. (:AMZN). Equitec Proprietary Markets has invested 2.3% in, Inc. (:AMZN). Archford Cap Strategies Ltd Llc holds 0.07% of its portfolio in, Inc. (:AMZN) for 30,002 shares. Ray Gerald L & Limited has 4,298 shares for 0.54% of their portfolio. Lmm Limited Liability Company holds 4.77% or 121,450 shares. Partnervest Advisory Service Lc owns 549 shares. Green Square Capital Limited Liability Co owns 4,549 shares. Gratry And Ltd holds 0.36% in, Inc. (:AMZN) or 303 shares. Adirondack Tru holds 1.37% or 1,753 shares in its portfolio.
Among 48 analysts covering (NASDAQ:AMZN), 45 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 94% are positive. has $1430.0 highest and $105 lowest target. $1094.91’s average target is -5.45% below currents $1158.04 stock price. had 233 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Cowen & Co with “Outperform” on Friday, August 28. Wedbush maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Friday, July 29 report. JMP Securities maintained the stock with “Market Outperform” rating in Friday, October 23 report. On Friday, July 29 the stock rating was maintained by JMP Securities with “Market Outperform”. As per Friday, August 25, the company rating was maintained by Needham. Goldman Sachs maintained it with “Buy” rating and $105 target in Monday, October 24 report. The firm has “Overweight” rating by Morgan Stanley given on Friday, August 28. The company was initiated on Monday, January 18 by Susquehanna. The rating was maintained by Robert W. Baird with “Buy” on Tuesday, August 15. Morgan Stanley maintained the shares of AMZN in report on Wednesday, November 11 with “Overweight” rating.
Since May 30, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 sale for $2.70 million activity. Shares for $800,000 were sold by ALBERG TOM A on Tuesday, May 30. 2,670 shares valued at $2.70M were sold by WILKE JEFFREY A on Monday, June 5.
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