July 28, 2017 - By Nellie Frank
Analysts expect Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) to report $-0.17 EPS on August, 10 before the open.They anticipate $0.68 EPS change or 80.00% from last quarter’s $-0.85 EPS. After having $-0.20 EPS previously, Bellatrix Exploration Ltd’s analysts see -15.00% EPS growth. About 67,178 shares traded. Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) has 0.00% since July 28, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
HD Supply Holdings, Inc. is an industrial distributor in North America. The company has market cap of $6.56 billion. The Company’s divisions include Facilities Maintenance, Waterworks, Construction & Industrial-White Cap, and Corporate. It has a 21.62 P/E ratio. As of January 29, 2017, the Company operated through approximately 500 locations across 48 states in the United States and six Canadian provinces.
Among 6 analysts covering Bellatrix Exploration (TSE:BXE), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 33% are positive. Bellatrix Exploration had 38 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) earned “Sector Perform” rating by Scotia Capital on Thursday, March 16. Credit Suisse maintained the shares of BXE in report on Monday, May 15 with “Neutral” rating. IBC maintained it with “Sector Perform” rating and $3.25 target in Thursday, August 6 report. TD Securities maintained Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) rating on Wednesday, July 20. TD Securities has “Buy” rating and $2.25 target. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, August 6 by Paradigm Research. On Thursday, August 6 the stock rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with “Buy”. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) earned “Outperform” rating by Northland Capital on Thursday, August 6. National Bank Canada maintained Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) rating on Friday, November 6. National Bank Canada has “Outperform” rating and $2.35 target. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd (TSE:BXE) earned “Sector Perform” rating by Scotia Capital on Friday, January 6. The stock has “Speculatie Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Wednesday, March 8.
Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. is an oil and gas exploration firm engaged in the exploration for, and the acquisition, development and production of oil and natural gas reserves in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. The company has market cap of $155.84 million. The Company’s properties include Ferrier, Willesden Green, Greater Pembina, Strachan and Harmattan. It currently has negative earnings. Ferrier is located over 30 kilometers northwest of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.
Jana Partners Llc holds 10.81% of its portfolio in HD Supply Holdings Inc for 14.50 million shares. 13D Management Llc owns 305,899 shares or 5.33% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Rail has 5.06% invested in the company for 160,128 shares. The New York-based Rr Partners Lp has invested 4.54% in the stock. Water Asset Management Llc, a New York-based fund reported 143,819 shares.
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