October 23, 2017 - By Ellis Scott
Analysts expect Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp (NASDAQ:ITEK) to report $-0.12 EPS on November, 8.They anticipate $0.29 EPS change or 70.73% from last quarter’s $-0.41 EPS. After having $-0.24 EPS previously, Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp’s analysts see -50.00% EPS growth. About 874,009 shares traded. Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp (NASDAQ:ITEK) has declined 80.56% since October 23, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 97.26% the S&P500.
The Gorman-Rupp Company designs, manufactures and sells pumps and pump systems. The company has market cap of $836.74 million. The Firm offers its products for use in dewatering; petroleum original equipment; agriculture; fire protection; heating, ventilating and air conditioning; military, and other liquid-handling applications. It has a 33.6 P/E ratio. The Firm operates in the manufacture and international sale of pumps and pump systems segment.
Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corporation is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $68.61 million. The Firm is focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapies for glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s lead product candidate, trabodenoson, is a selective adenosine mimetic that the Company has designed to lower intraocular pressure by restoring the eye’s natural pressure control mechanism.
Among 5 analysts covering Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corporation (NASDAQ:ITEK), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 40% are positive. Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corporation had 11 analyst reports since July 27, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp (NASDAQ:ITEK) earned “Neutral” rating by H.C. Wainwright on Tuesday, July 11. H.C. Wainwright initiated it with “Buy” rating and $22 target in Tuesday, September 20 report. Canaccord Genuity downgraded the stock to “Hold” rating in Wednesday, July 12 report. The rating was downgraded by Piper Jaffray on Tuesday, January 3 to “Neutral”. The firm has “Buy” rating by H.C. Wainwright given on Wednesday, January 4. The firm has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity given on Tuesday, December 20. As per Tuesday, July 28, the company rating was maintained by Piper Jaffray. The company was initiated on Thursday, December 1 by Roth Capital. Chardan Capital Markets initiated Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp (NASDAQ:ITEK) rating on Wednesday, December 2. Chardan Capital Markets has “Buy” rating and $3 target.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 2 buys, and 0 sales for $4,416 activity.
Analysts await Gorman-Rupp Co (NYSE:GRC) to report earnings on October, 27. They expect $0.25 earnings per share, up 4.17% or $0.01 from last year’s $0.24 per share. GRC’s profit will be $6.52 million for 32.06 P/E if the $0.25 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.35 actual earnings per share reported by Gorman-Rupp Co for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -28.57% negative EPS growth.
Morgan Dempsey Capital Management Llc holds 2.18% of its portfolio in Gorman-Rupp Co for 235,581 shares. Grace & White Inc Ny owns 368,515 shares or 2.05% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Fruth Investment Management has 0.85% invested in the company for 71,181 shares. The New York-based Teton Advisors Inc. has invested 0.31% in the stock. Lbmc Investment Advisors Llc, a Tennessee-based fund reported 61,116 shares.
About 20,835 shares traded. Gorman-Rupp Co (GRC) has declined 10.04% since October 23, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 26.74% the S&P500.
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