Analysts expect Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR) (NYSE:BSBR) to report $0.12 EPS on March, 21.They anticipate $0.07 EPS change or 140.00% from last quarter’s $0.05 EPS. BSBR’s profit would be $462.60M giving it 21.13 P/E if the $0.12 EPS is correct. After having $0.09 EPS previously, Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR)’s analysts see 33.33% EPS growth. The stock decreased 1.07% or $0.11 on March 17, reaching $10.14. About shares traded. Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR) (NYSE:BSBR) has risen 46.32% since August 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 37.52% the S&P500.
Healthcare Services Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:HCSG) had an increase of 4.01% in short interest. HCSG’s SI was 5.02M shares in March as released by FINRA. Its up 4.01% from 4.83M shares previously. With 250,400 avg volume, 20 days are for Healthcare Services Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:HCSG)’s short sellers to cover HCSG’s short positions. The SI to Healthcare Services Group Incorporated’s float is 7.13%. The stock increased 0.46% or $0.2 on March 17, reaching $43.8. About shares traded. Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG) has risen 11.03% since August 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.22% the S&P500.
Among 4 analysts covering Banco Santander Brasil (NYSE:BSBR), 0 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Banco Santander Brasil had 4 analyst reports since November 12, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Monday, October 17, the company rating was upgraded by Credit Suisse. The stock has “Market Perform” rating by JP Morgan on Thursday, November 12. The rating was initiated by Citigroup on Wednesday, November 30 with “Sell”. HSBC downgraded the shares of BSBR in report on Tuesday, January 19 to “Reduce” rating.
Banco Santander S.A. (Santander Brasil) is indirectly controlled by Banco Santander, S.A., and is an institution of the financial and non-financial group. The company has market cap of $39.09 billion. The Bank operates as a multiple bank. It has a 32.16 P/E ratio. The Bank operates through two divisions: Commercial Banking and Global Wholesale Banking.
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. provides management, administrative and operating services to the housekeeping, laundry, linen, facility maintenance and dietary service departments of the healthcare industry, including nursing homes, retirement complexes, rehabilitation centers and hospitals located throughout the United States. The company has market cap of $3.20 billion. The Firm operates through two divisions: housekeeping, laundry, linen and other services , and dietary department services (Dietary). It has a 41.34 P/E ratio. The Company’s housekeeping service involves the management of a client’s housekeeping department, which is responsible for the cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing resident rooms and common areas of a client’s facility.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.1 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.05, from 1.15 in 2016Q3. It turned negative, as 20 investors sold Healthcare Services Group, Inc. shares while 80 reduced holdings. 29 funds opened positions while 81 raised stakes. 66.07 million shares or 0.95% less from 66.70 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Lpl Limited Liability Corporation owns 5,490 shares. Bluecrest Capital Ltd invested in 8,250 shares. Brown Advisory Inc reported 0.25% in Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG). Amer Interest holds 0.01% or 51,950 shares. Citadel Limited Com stated it has 108,167 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Riverhead Capital Management Limited Liability Corporation reported 1,900 shares. Citigroup Inc has 0% invested in Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG) for 108,114 shares. Envestnet Asset stated it has 107,064 shares. Hanson Doremus Mngmt accumulated 0% or 400 shares. Moreover, Us Bancorporation De has 0.01% invested in Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG) for 68,337 shares. Proshare Advsrs Ltd Com has invested 0.07% of its portfolio in Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG). Overbrook Mgmt stated it has 5,850 shares or 0.05% of all its holdings. Uss Mngmt Limited reported 2.31M shares. Thrivent Fincl For Lutherans reported 183,727 shares. Loomis Sayles Company Ltd Partnership, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 654,804 shares.
Since November 9, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 6 insider sales for $4.73 million activity. Ottaviano Dino D also sold $50,483 worth of Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG) shares. Shares for $305,730 were sold by McBryan Michael E. 100,000 shares valued at $3.85 million were sold by MCCARTNEY DANIEL P on Tuesday, November 22. 7,502 Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCSG) shares with value of $305,707 were sold by MOSS ROBERT J. On Friday, March 3 the insider Bundick Jason J sold $201,518.
Among 2 analysts covering Healthcare Services (NASDAQ:HCSG), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Healthcare Services has $46 highest and $37 lowest target. $42.50’s average target is -2.97% below currents $43.8 stock price. Healthcare Services had 3 analyst reports since July 29, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus on Wednesday, October 14 with “Buy”. Robert W. Baird initiated the stock with “Outperform” rating in Friday, September 16 report.