Analysts See $0.00 EPS for Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (ADR) (SID); Pinebridge Investments LP Has Increased By $69.20 Million Its Citigroup Com New (C) Holding

Analysts expect Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (ADR) (NYSE:SID) to report $0.00 EPS on April, 4. It closed at $2.92 lastly. It is down 7.75% since August 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 1.01% the S&P500.

Pinebridge Investments Lp increased Citigroup Inc Com New (C) stake by 219.07% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Pinebridge Investments Lp acquired 1.17M shares as Citigroup Inc Com New (C)’s stock rose 26.37%. The Pinebridge Investments Lp holds 1.71M shares with $101.53 million value, up from 535,422 last quarter. Citigroup Inc Com New now has $163.51 billion valuation. The stock decreased 1.14% or $0.69 during the last trading session, reaching $59.82. About 318 shares traded. Citigroup Inc (NYSE:C) has risen 28.04% since August 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 19.28% the S&P500.

Companhia Siderurgica Nacional is a Brazil firm engaged in the steel industry. The company has market cap of $4.05 billion. The Firm operates throughout the entire steel production chain, from the mining of iron ore to the production and sale of a range of steel products, including coated galvanized flat steel and tinplate. It has a 12.52 P/E ratio. The Firm operates in five divisions: Steel, Mining, Cement, Logistics and Energy.

Pinebridge Investments Lp decreased Td Ameritrade Hldg Corp Com (NYSE:AMTD) stake by 234,730 shares to 4,123 valued at $180,000 in 2016Q4. It also reduced Expeditors Intl Wash Inc Com (NASDAQ:EXPD) stake by 81,164 shares and now owns 7,973 shares. United Therapeutics Corp Del Com (NASDAQ:UTHR) was reduced too.

Since January 31, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 9 insider sales for $23.40 million activity. CORBAT MICHAEL had sold 83,285 shares worth $5.01M. $3.60M worth of Citigroup Inc (NYSE:C) was sold by Cowles James C. 55,436 Citigroup Inc (NYSE:C) shares with value of $3.30M were sold by Forese James A.. BIRD STEPHEN sold $5.41 million worth of stock or 90,000 shares. The insider Hu W. Bradford sold 10,109 shares worth $565,704. MURRAY JOSEPH MICHAEL also sold $423,979 worth of Citigroup Inc (NYSE:C) shares. Fraser Jane Nind also sold $2.11 million worth of Citigroup Inc (NYSE:C) shares.