June 8, 2017 - By Migdalia James
TETRA Technologies, Inc. is an oil and gas services company. The company has market cap of $357.96 million. The Firm focuses on completion fluids and associated services and products, water management, production well testing, offshore rig cooling, compression services and equipment, and offshore services, such as decommissioning and diving. It currently has negative earnings. It is composed of five divisions organized into four divisions: Fluids, Production Testing, Compression and Offshore.
Analysts expect China Lending Corp (NASDAQ:CLDC) to report $0.00 EPS on July, 5. The stock increased 0.45% or $0.02 on June 7, reaching $4.5. About shares traded. China Lending Corp (NASDAQ:CLDC) has 0.00% since June 8, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
China Lending Corporation, formerly DT Asia Investments Limited, is engaged in providing loan facilities to micro, small and medium sized enterprises , and proprietors in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang Province) of the People’s Republic of China. The company has market cap of $102.69 million. The Firm offers loans to industries, including commerce, service, supply chain finance, manufacturing, real estate, mineral and energy, and others. It has a 3.91 P/E ratio. The Company’s subsidiaries include Adrie Global Holdings Limited (Adrie), Feng Hui Ding Xin (Beijing) Financial Consulting Co., Limited (Consulting) and Xinjian Feng Hui Jing Kai Direct Lending Limited (XWFOE).
Bronson Point Management Llc holds 1.53% of its portfolio in TETRA Technologies, Inc. for 900,000 shares. Adirondack Research & Management Inc. owns 634,465 shares or 1.08% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Arosa Capital Management Lp has 0.76% invested in the company for 1.09 million shares. The California-based Fuller & Thaler Asset Management Inc. has invested 0.56% in the stock. Wealthtrust Axiom Llc, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 266,655 shares.
The stock decreased 5.99% or $0.19 during the last trading session, reaching $2.98. About shares traded. TETRA Technologies, Inc. (TTI) has declined 31.41% since June 8, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 48.11% the S&P500.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 3 insider purchases, and 1 sale for $8,165 activity.
Ratings analysis reveals 83% of TETRA Tech’s analysts are positive. Out of 6 Wall Street analysts rating TETRA Tech, 5 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 1 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $7.0 while the high is $8.0. The stock’s average target of $7.50 is 151.68% above today’s ($2.98) share price. TTI was included in 6 notes of analysts from October 18, 2016. On Thursday, December 22 the stock rating was initiated by Bank of America with “Buy”. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Tuesday, October 18 by Wells Fargo. The stock of TETRA Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TTI) has “Neutral” rating given on Tuesday, November 8 by Credit Suisse. As per Tuesday, November 8, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets. The rating was upgraded by Johnson Rice on Thursday, April 13 to “Buy”. As per Wednesday, November 16, the company rating was upgraded by Howard Weil.
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