Analysts at SunTrust Banks Maintain their “Buy” rating for Charter Communications (NDAQ:CHTR) with $380.00 Target Price per Share, NeoPhotonics (NPTN) Had 6 Analysts Last Week

Among 7 analysts covering NeoPhotonics (NYSE:NPTN), 6 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 86% are positive. NeoPhotonics had 13 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Needham maintained NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN) on Tuesday, December 20 with “Strong Buy” rating. The stock has “Strong Buy” rating by Needham on Monday, October 31. The firm has “Strong Buy” rating by Raymond James given on Wednesday, February 3. The rating was initiated by Northland Capital with “Outperform” on Tuesday, August 18. Raymond James downgraded the stock to “Outperform” rating in Friday, November 6 report. On Monday, August 10 the stock rating was upgraded by Raymond James to “Outperform”. B. Riley & Co downgraded the shares of NPTN in report on Friday, August 7 to “Neutral” rating. On Monday, September 12 the stock rating was maintained by Needham with “Strong Buy”. The stock of NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN) has “Overweight” rating given on Tuesday, February 23 by Piper Jaffray. The firm has “Strong Buy” rating by Needham given on Wednesday, March 15. See NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN) latest ratings:

15/03/2017 Broker: Needham Rating: Strong Buy Old Target: $17.00 New Target: $13.00 Maintain
30/01/2017 Broker: Cowen & Co Rating: Outperform Initiates Coverage On
20/12/2016 Broker: Needham Rating: Strong Buy Old Target: $24 New Target: $17 Maintain
31/10/2016 Broker: Needham Rating: Strong Buy Old Target: $22 New Target: $24 Maintain

Among 2 analysts covering Charter Communications Inc. (NDAQ:CHTR), 1 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Charter Communications Inc. has $380 highest and $345 lowest target. $362.50’s average target is 8.66% above currents $333.61 stock price. Charter Communications Inc. had 2 analyst reports since February 17, 2017 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, April 19 by SunTrust. Telsey Advisory Group downgraded Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR) rating on Friday, February 17. Telsey Advisory Group has “Market Perform” rating and $345 target.

NeoPhotonics Corporation develops, manufactures and markets optoelectronic products that transmit, receive and switch digital optical signals for communications networks. The company has market cap of $329.19 million. The Firm develops and makes Transmitter Products, Receiver Products and Switch Products that are used in ultra-high speed digital optical communications, high speed switching and provisioning, and access connections for wireless and fiber-to-the-home communications networks. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products are categorized into groups, including High Speed Products and Network Products and Solutions.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.93 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.07, from 1 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 31 investors sold NeoPhotonics Corp shares while 39 reduced holdings. 22 funds opened positions while 43 raised stakes. 29.29 million shares or 5.97% more from 27.64 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. State Street, Massachusetts-based fund reported 1.06M shares. Retail Bank Of Nova Scotia has 113,660 shares. Ahl Prtn Llp stated it has 20,654 shares. 17,727 are held by Int Grp. Paradigm Capital Mgmt reported 768,000 shares. Goldman Sachs Grp holds 0% of its portfolio in NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN) for 14,816 shares. California-based Globeflex Cap L P has invested 0.17% in NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN). Blackrock Fund Advsr holds 1.01 million shares. Schwab Charles Inv Mgmt owns 107,324 shares for 0% of their portfolio. White Pine Limited Com holds 0.6% or 131,125 shares. The New York-based Metropolitan Life Insurance has invested 0% in NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN). New York-based Cooper Creek Mngmt has invested 2.09% in NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN). 131,180 were reported by Jpmorgan Chase. Nationwide Fund Advsrs reported 0% stake. Next reported 15 shares.

The stock decreased 3.62% or $0.29 during the last trading session, reaching $7.72. About shares traded. NeoPhotonics Corp (NYSE:NPTN) has declined 55.76% since September 13, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 65.69% the S&P500.

Analysts await Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR) to report earnings on April, 27. They expect $0.98 EPS, up 152.69% or $2.84 from last year’s $-1.86 per share. CHTR’s profit will be $296.28M for 85.10 P/E if the $0.98 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.67 actual EPS reported by Charter Communications, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -41.32% negative EPS growth.

The stock increased 1.65% or $5.43 on April 19, reaching $333.61. About shares traded. Charter Communications, Inc. (NDAQ:CHTR) has risen 25.90% since September 13, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.98% the S&P500.