Analysts at JP Morgan Cazenove Reiterated their Neutral rating for AstraZeneca PLC (LON:AZN) with GBX 4200.00 Target Price, First American Financial (FAF) Had 7 Analysts Last Week

Among 14 analysts covering First American Financial (NYSE:FAF), 7 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 6 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. First American Financial had 14 analyst reports since September 25, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Piper Jaffray given on Friday, September 25. The firm has “Mkt Perform” rating by Bernstein given on Thursday, December 10. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Friday, December 18 by Macquarie Research. As per Wednesday, October 21, the company rating was initiated by Tigress Financial. Stifel Nicolaus initiated the shares of FAF in report on Thursday, January 14 with “Buy” rating. As per Friday, February 12, the company rating was maintained by Barclays Capital. The firm earned “Positive” rating on Tuesday, October 20 by Susquehanna. The rating was initiated by Sterne Agee CRT with “Buy” on Thursday, December 17. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Friday, December 11 by Oppenheimer. The stock of First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF) earned “Sell” rating by Goldman Sachs on Wednesday, January 13. See First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF) latest ratings:

JP Morgan Cazenove currently has a GBX 4200.00 PT on the 62.30B GBP market cap company or -15.40% downside potential. In analysts report revealed to clients and investors on 28 March, AstraZeneca PLC (LON:AZN) stock had its Neutral Rating reconfirmed by research professionals at JP Morgan Cazenove.

Among 31 analysts covering AstraZeneca PLC (LON:AZN), 16 have Buy rating, 4 Sell and 11 Hold. Therefore 52% are positive. AstraZeneca PLC has GBX 7600 highest and GBX 3700 lowest target. GBX 4917.50’s average target is -0.78% below currents GBX 4956 stock price. AstraZeneca PLC had 427 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Wednesday, January 18 the stock rating was maintained by Beaufort Securities with “Hold”. The rating was maintained by Berenberg with “Buy” on Monday, March 20. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Friday, October 23 by Bryan Garnier & Cie. On Friday, May 20 the stock rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with “Buy”. BNP Paribas maintained the shares of AZN in report on Tuesday, August 2 with “Outperform” rating. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Tuesday, February 7 by JP Morgan. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, November 18 by Goldman Sachs. The firm has “Overweight” rating given on Tuesday, December 1 by Morgan Stanley. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Tuesday, December 6 by JP Morgan. Barclays Capital maintained the stock with “Overweight” rating in Monday, March 20 report.

AstraZeneca PLC is a biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of 62.29 billion GBP. The Firm focuses on discovery and development of products, which are then manufactured, marketed and sold. It has a 22.51 P/E ratio. The Firm focuses on three main therapy areas: Oncology, Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease (CVMD) and Respiratory, while selectively pursuing therapies in Autoimmunity, Infection and Neuroscience.

About 924,218 shares traded. AstraZeneca plc (LON:AZN) has risen 0.39% since August 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.83% the S&P500.

Analysts await AstraZeneca plc (ADR) (NYSE:AZN) to report earnings on May, 5. They expect $0.32 EPS, down 66.32% or $0.63 from last year’s $0.95 per share. AZN’s profit will be $798.19M for 24.84 P/E if the $0.32 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.21 actual EPS reported by AstraZeneca plc (ADR) for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -73.55% negative EPS growth.

The stock increased 1.25% or $0.48 during the last trading session, reaching $38.97. About shares traded. First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF) has declined 8.00% since August 19, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 15.22% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.32 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.05, from 1.27 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 23 investors sold First American Financial Corp shares while 96 reduced holdings. 52 funds opened positions while 105 raised stakes. 93.65 million shares or 1.06% more from 92.67 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Acadian Asset Mgmt Limited Liability accumulated 12 shares. Retirement Of Alabama accumulated 0.03% or 141,817 shares. Prescott Gru Management Ltd Limited Liability Company invested in 56,684 shares or 0.44% of the stock. 91,986 are held by Smith Graham & Invest Advsr Limited Partnership. Tiaa Cref Inv Mgmt Limited Com reported 0.01% in First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF). Liberty Mutual Group Inc Asset Mngmt Inc holds 49,474 shares or 0.06% of its portfolio. Century Capital Ltd Liability Corp has 73,994 shares for 0.35% of their portfolio. Mason Street Advsrs Ltd Limited Liability Company stated it has 0.05% of its portfolio in First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF). Cibc Ww Inc invested in 43,945 shares. Rhumbline Advisers reported 0.02% in First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF). Pacad Ltd invested 0.06% of its portfolio in First American Financial Corp (NYSE:FAF). Bell Financial Bank holds 60,135 shares or 0.86% of its portfolio. Tower Cap (Trc) reported 3,308 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Pnc Financial Service Group Inc Incorporated reported 1,629 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Kcg, a New Jersey-based fund reported 15,061 shares.

Since February 13, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 2 selling transactions for $5.64 million activity. GILMORE DENNIS J had sold 100,000 shares worth $3.98M on Wednesday, February 22. Shares for $1.66 million were sold by DEGIORGIO KENNETH D.

First American Financial Corporation, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in the business of providing financial services. The company has market cap of $4.27 billion. The Firm operates through the title insurance and services segment, and specialty insurance segment. It has a 12.63 P/E ratio. The title insurance and services segment provides title insurance, closing and/or escrow services and similar or related services domestically and internationally in connection with residential and commercial real estate transactions.