Analysts at Jefferies Maintained their Hold rating for Atwood Oceanics (ATW) with $10.0 PT; Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMEX) Shorts Lowered By 5.46%

September 1, 2017 - By Kurt Siggers

Among 29 analysts covering Atwood Oceanics (NYSE:ATW), 5 have Buy rating, 4 Sell and 20 Hold. Therefore 17% are positive. Atwood Oceanics has $39 highest and $5 lowest target. $9.91’s average target is 50.84% above currents $6.57 stock price. Atwood Oceanics had 75 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Friday, August 12 by RBC Capital Markets. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Thursday, September 22 by Clarkson Capital. The stock has “Sell” rating by BMO Capital Markets on Wednesday, June 21. The firm has “Underweight” rating by Barclays Capital given on Friday, August 11. The company was upgraded on Monday, November 30 by Guggenheim. As per Monday, June 19, the company rating was downgraded by PiperJaffray. On Friday, October 2 the stock rating was maintained by Macquarie Research with “Neutral”. The firm has “Sector Perform” rating given on Wednesday, November 11 by RBC Capital Markets. Seaport Global downgraded the stock to “Sell” rating in Thursday, July 14 report. The stock of Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW) earned “Hold” rating by KLR on Monday, December 14.

Odyssey Marine Exploration Incorporated (NASDAQ:OMEX) had a decrease of 5.46% in short interest. OMEX’s SI was 1.31 million shares in September as released by FINRA. Its down 5.46% from 1.38 million shares previously. With 25,000 avg volume, 52 days are for Odyssey Marine Exploration Incorporated (NASDAQ:OMEX)’s short sellers to cover OMEX’s short positions. The SI to Odyssey Marine Exploration Incorporated’s float is 18.04%. The stock decreased 4.87% or $0.19 on August 31, reaching $3.71. About shares traded. Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc (NASDAQ:OMEX) has risen 54.32% since September 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 37.62% the S&P500.

Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. is a deep-ocean exploration company. The company has market cap of $29.61 million. The Company’s techniques are applied to mineral exploration, shipwreck cargo recovery, and other marine survey and exploration charter services. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm is engaged in discovering shipwreck sites in the deep ocean and conducting archaeological excavations with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.81 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.98, from 1.79 in 2016Q3. It fall, as 35 investors sold Atwood Oceanics, Inc. shares while 57 reduced holdings. 39 funds opened positions while 58 raised stakes. 65.75 million shares or 3.36% less from 68.03 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. United Svcs Automobile Association has 34,920 shares. Two Sigma Secs Ltd Liability Com reported 25,298 shares. Blackrock Advisors Limited Liability Corporation reported 0% in Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW). Ohio-based Victory Capital Mgmt has invested 0% in Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW). Canada Pension Plan Board reported 476,000 shares. State Street Corporation invested in 2.42 million shares. Tci Wealth has invested 0% of its portfolio in Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW). State Common Retirement Fund holds 62,200 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Moreover, Nationwide Fund Advsr has 0.01% invested in Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW) for 143,084 shares. Glg Prtn L P holds 77,700 shares or 0.04% of its portfolio. Texas Permanent School Fund, Texas-based fund reported 43,958 shares. Citadel Ltd Limited Liability Company, a Illinois-based fund reported 33,561 shares. Blackrock Institutional Comm Na holds 1.57 million shares or 0% of its portfolio. Wells Fargo Mn reported 0% of its portfolio in Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW). Mraz Amerine & Associates Incorporated invested in 0.09% or 21,145 shares.

Atwood Oceanics, Inc. is an offshore drilling firm engaged in the drilling and completion of exploration and development wells for the global gas and oil industry. The company has market cap of $510.73 million. The Firm owns various types of drilling rigs, such as Ultra-Deepwater Rigs, Deepwater Semisubmersibles and Jackups. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s Ultra-deepwater Rigs and Deepwater Semisubmersibles include Atwood Achiever, Atwood Archer, Atwood Admiral, Atwood Advantage, Atwood Condor, Atwood Eagle and Atwood Osprey.

The stock decreased 3.52% or $0.24 on August 31, reaching $6.57. About shares traded. Atwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE:ATW) has declined 21.05% since September 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 37.75% the S&P500.

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