Analysts at Deutsche Bank Reconfirmed their Hold rating for ITV PLC (LON:ITV) with GBX 180.00 Target, Tyler Tech (TYL) SI Decreased By 12.98%

June 19, 2017 - By Darrin Black

Tyler Tech Incorporated (NYSE:TYL) had a decrease of 12.98% in short interest. TYL’s SI was 1.17 million shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 12.98% from 1.35 million shares previously. With 178,200 avg volume, 7 days are for Tyler Tech Incorporated (NYSE:TYL)’s short sellers to cover TYL’s short positions. The SI to Tyler Tech Incorporated’s float is 3.44%. The stock increased 0.26% or $0.44 on June 16, reaching $169.83. About shares traded. Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL) has risen 17.20% since June 19, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.50% the S&P500.

In a research note issued to clients on Monday morning, ITV PLC (LON:ITV) stock had its Hold Rating reaffirmed by stock analysts at Deutsche Bank. They currently have a GBX 180.00 price target on company. Deutsche Bank’s target gives a potential upside of 0.31% from the company’s close price.

ITV plc is an integrated producer broadcaster. The company has market cap of 7.19 billion GBP. The Firm creates, owns and distributes content on multiple platforms. It has a 16.03 P/E ratio. It operates through two divisions: Broadcast & Online and ITV Studios.

About 1.22 million shares traded. ITV plc (LON:ITV) has 0.00% since June 19, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.

Among 26 analysts covering ITV PLC (LON:ITV), 14 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 10 Hold. Therefore 54% are positive. ITV PLC has GBX 375 highest and GBX 155 lowest target. GBX 235.76’s average target is 31.93% above currents GBX 178.7 stock price. ITV PLC had 296 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Add” rating given on Friday, November 6 by Numis Securities. The firm has “Neutral” rating by JP Morgan given on Thursday, May 11. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, November 4 by BNP Paribas. Morgan Stanley maintained ITV plc (LON:ITV) on Thursday, January 5 with “Equal Weight” rating. As per Friday, November 11, the company rating was maintained by JP Morgan. BNP Paribas maintained ITV plc (LON:ITV) rating on Tuesday, November 17. BNP Paribas has “Neutral” rating and GBX 260 target. The firm earned “Add” rating on Wednesday, March 2 by Numis Securities. JP Morgan maintained ITV plc (LON:ITV) on Tuesday, January 19 with “Overweight” rating. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Monday, September 21 by Liberum Capital. Peel Hunt maintained ITV plc (LON:ITV) on Tuesday, October 25 with “Buy” rating.

Since February 13, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 43 sales for $131.30 million activity. 84,000 shares were sold by LEINWEBER LARRY D, worth $13.90M. MILLER BRIAN K had sold 13,000 shares worth $2.20 million on Friday, May 19. Another trade for 20,000 shares valued at $3.08 million was made by YEAMAN JOHN M on Wednesday, March 8. MARR JOHN S JR sold $865,600 worth of Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL) on Monday, June 5. WOMBLE DUSTIN R had sold 34,300 shares worth $5.36M on Monday, March 13. $1.02M worth of Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL) was sold by MOORE H LYNN JR.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.03 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.18, from 0.85 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 37 investors sold Tyler Technologies, Inc. shares while 94 reduced holdings. 40 funds opened positions while 95 raised stakes. 35.57 million shares or 12.45% more from 31.63 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. 6,588 were accumulated by Eqis Cap. Ftb Advsrs Incorporated reported 0.01% stake. Gabelli Funds Ltd Com owns 248,000 shares or 0.21% of their US portfolio. Edge Asset Management holds 0.02% of its portfolio in Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL) for 15,720 shares. Utd Automobile Association owns 13,550 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Creative Planning owns 267 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Putnam Fl Invest Mgmt has 0.4% invested in Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL) for 24,537 shares. Capstone Asset Mngmt Communication stated it has 3,060 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Gamco Investors Inc Et Al has invested 0.11% in Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL). Teachers Retirement Of The State Of Kentucky holds 0.03% or 15,397 shares in its portfolio. Texas Permanent School Fund invested in 24,310 shares or 0.05% of the stock. Teacher Retirement System Of Texas has 0% invested in Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL) for 2,782 shares. Assetmark has 0% invested in Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL). Blackrock Institutional Tru Na holds 0.02% or 1.04M shares. Johnson Investment Counsel has 0.01% invested in Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL).

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