Citigroup currently has a GBX 3700.00 target price per share on the 36.73 billion GBP market cap company or -3.52% downside potential. In analysts note revealed to clients and investors on Thursday morning, Imperial Brands (LON:IMB) stock had its Neutral Rating restate by professional analysts at Citigroup.
Brandywine Global Investment Management Llc decreased Bp Plc (BP) stake by 5.55% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Brandywine Global Investment Management Llc sold 402,168 shares as Bp Plc (BP)’s stock declined 2.33%. The Brandywine Global Investment Management Llc holds 6.84M shares with $255.84M value, down from 7.25M last quarter. Bp Plc now has $114.64B valuation. The stock declined 0.09% or $0.03 reaching $34.63 per share. About 63,970 shares traded. BP plc (ADR) (NYSE:BP) has risen 4.81% since September 20, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.77% the S&P500.
Among 24 analysts covering BP (NYSE:BP), 16 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. BP had 36 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, October 11, the company rating was reinitiated by BNP Paribas. The stock of BP plc (ADR) (NYSE:BP) has “Neutral” rating given on Friday, March 18 by Nomura. The rating was downgraded by TheStreet to “Hold” on Friday, July 24. On Thursday, September 10 the stock rating was upgraded by Bernstein to “Outperform”. JP Morgan maintained the stock with “Overweight” rating in Wednesday, July 29 report. The firm has “Buy” rating by Liberum Capital given on Tuesday, September 15. As per Monday, January 30, the company rating was upgraded by Societe Generale. Howard Weil upgraded BP plc (ADR) (NYSE:BP) rating on Monday, December 14. Howard Weil has “Focus Stock” rating and $42 target. The company was downgraded on Thursday, October 20 by UBS. The firm has “Hold” rating by Jefferies given on Monday, July 11.
Analysts await BP plc (ADR) (NYSE:BP) to report earnings on May, 2. They expect $0.35 earnings per share, up 105.88% or $0.18 from last year’s $0.17 per share. BP’s profit will be $1.16 billion for 24.74 P/E if the $0.35 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.13 actual earnings per share reported by BP plc (ADR) for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 169.23% EPS growth.
Brandywine Global Investment Management Llc increased Emerson Elec Co (NYSE:EMR) stake by 43,913 shares to 856,432 valued at $47.75M in 2016Q4. It also upped Whirlpool Corp (NYSE:WHR) stake by 3,584 shares and now owns 84,378 shares. Gentex Corp (NASDAQ:GNTX) was raised too.
Imperial Brands PLC, formerly Imperial Tobacco Group PLC, is a fast-moving consumer goods company. The company has market cap of 36.73 billion GBP. The Firm offers a range of cigarettes, fine cut and smokeless tobaccos, papers and cigars. It has a 58.1 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include Growth Markets, USA, Returns Markets North, Returns Markets South and Logistics.