Amryt Pharma (LON:AMYT) Speculative Buy Rating Reaffirmed by Beaufort Securities; The Price Target is Set to GBX 62.00; American Electric Power Co (AEP) Sentiment Is 0.95

May 26, 2017 - By Michael Collier

Investment analysts at Beaufort Securities have GBX 62.00 PT on Amryt Pharma (LON:AMYT). Beaufort Securities’s PT suggests a potential upside of 129.63% from the company’s current stock price. The rating was released in a research note on Friday, 26 May.

American Electric Power Company, Inc. is a public utility holding firm that owns, directly or indirectly, all of the outstanding common stock of its public utility subsidiaries and varying percentages of other subsidiaries. The company has market cap of $35.12 billion. The service areas of the Company’s public utility subsidiaries cover the states of Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. It has a 49.45 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include Vertically Integrated Utilities, Transmission and Distribution Utilities, AEP Transmission Holdco, and Generation & Marketing.

Among 2 analysts covering Amryt Pharma (LON:AMYT), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Amryt Pharma has GBX 62 highest and GBX 49 lowest target. GBX 61’s average target is 126.01% above currents GBX 26.99 stock price. Amryt Pharma had 15 analyst reports since June 10, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Amryt Pharma PLC (LON:AMYT) earned “Speculative Buy” rating by Beaufort Securities on Monday, December 5. As per Tuesday, March 28, the company rating was maintained by Beaufort Securities. As per Monday, April 24, the company rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus. Stifel Nicolaus maintained Amryt Pharma PLC (LON:AMYT) rating on Monday, February 6. Stifel Nicolaus has “Buy” rating and GBX 49 target. Shore Capital maintained Amryt Pharma PLC (LON:AMYT) on Tuesday, March 28 with “House Stock” rating. Stifel Nicolaus maintained the shares of AMYT in report on Tuesday, April 4 with “Buy” rating. The rating was maintained by Beaufort Securities with “Speculative Buy” on Tuesday, May 23. The firm earned “Speculative Buy” rating on Tuesday, September 20 by Beaufort Securities. On Tuesday, March 7 the stock rating was maintained by Beaufort Securities with “Speculative Buy”. The company was maintained on Friday, May 26 by Beaufort Securities.

Amryt Pharma plc, formerly Fastnet Equity plc, is a United Kingdom specialty pharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of 56.34 million GBP. The Firm focuses on developing and delivering treatments for patients with rare and orphan diseases. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include Episalvan and Imlan.

About 54,810 shares traded. Amryt Pharma PLC (LON:AMYT) has 0.00% since May 26, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.

Analysts await American Electric Power Company Inc (NYSE:AEP) to report earnings on July, 27. They expect $0.90 earnings per share, down 5.26% or $0.05 from last year’s $0.95 per share. AEP’s profit will be $446.44M for 19.67 P/E if the $0.90 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.96 actual earnings per share reported by American Electric Power Company Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -6.25% negative EPS growth.

F&V Capital Management Llc holds 3.07% of its portfolio in American Electric Power Company Inc for 77,370 shares. Crow Point Partners Llc owns 246,417 shares or 2.53% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Huff W R Asset Management Co Llc De has 2.33% invested in the company for 42,895 shares. The Ontario – Canada-based Breton Hill Capital Ltd. has invested 2.28% in the stock. Peregrine Asset Advisers Inc., a Oregon-based fund reported 59,097 shares.

The stock increased 0.85% or $0.6 during the last trading session, reaching $70.8. About shares traded. American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) has risen 7.63% since May 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 9.07% the S&P500.

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